• In A Free Market Economy, The Best Remedy For What Ails Modern Medicine Is Competition, If It Would Ever Be Allowed

    Posted March 26, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    In a free market economy, is there freedom for alternative practitioners to recommend vitamins for young autistic children?

    In the United Kingdom it is apparent alternative practitioners such as homeopathic physicians don’t compete on equal ground with allopathic doctors.  Entrenched allopathic (conventional) medicine has the advantage in that it claims to have the high scientific ground, controls payment systems and is singularly favored by the news media.  In fact, homeopaths are characterized as an example of health quackery in the UK.

    I too have questioned the validity of homeopathic medicines which are implausible dilutions of therapeutic molecules, sometimes toxic metals, that only provide femtograms per milliliter (femtogram = 0.000,000,000,000,001 grams) of their principal active ingredient.  However, in an earlier published report I noted that surprisingly these diluted homeopathic remedies were actually shown to evoke a biological response (alter genes).

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  • Comprehensive Dietary Supplement Regimen – Nutritional Support for Cancer

    Posted March 20, 2019: by Bill Sardi


    Posted February 20, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    Main points and summary

    • Individuals with metabolic problems (elevated blood sugar, insulin resistance, obesity) are caught in the middle of a major shift in the scientific understanding of what induces these problems.  Modern medicine treats diabesity either by a medical model (drugs) or bariatric surgery (gastric band or bypass) when it is now recognized that alterations in the composition of bacteria in the lower intestine (gut) initiate these problems.  Patients may have to venture on their own to put corrective measures into practice.
    • Inclusion of more indigestible carbohydrates in the American diet is the most practical remedy but the public is likely to get confused over advice to limit processed carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, cereal) vs. increased consumption of bran, pectin and other indigestible carbohydrates.  It is unlikely the American public will go back to eating unprocessed foods.  Convenience and prepared foods reign.
    • A particular bacterium, Akkermansia muciniphila (AKK), is responsible for the production of butyrate, the major source of cell energy in the gut.  The provision of butyrate completely eradicates measures of metabolic illness in laboratory animals but may only produce a transient effect in humans.  The use of other indigestible fibers (bran, pectin, polyphenols) is likely to be the most efficacious.  Indigestible starch is another preferential option.
    • Weight reduction can be achieved by these measures via promotion of satiation that results in eating less food and by burning more calories.

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  • BOUGHT OFF: Why You Don’t Hear About Low-Cost Natural Remedies In The News

    Posted February 11, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    The obvious often escapes public recognition. By categorical definition, news media attract public interest with information or entertainment that draws readers, listeners and viewers, in order to sell products and services offered by sponsors. Somehow the public mistakenly believes news reporters are unbiased investigators operating in the public’s interest. In fact, they are front men for commercial entities.

    Consumers can’t imagine the whole American shopping experience inside grocery stores, viewing food ads on TV and going to doctors’ offices are orchestrated to promote over-consumption of processed foods that foments metabolic disease that in turn requires more drugs to be prescribed.

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  • The Breast Cancer Remedies That Women Never Hear About

    Posted January 30, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    There are dietary supplements that go unused by women who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer that have been demonstrated to shrink their tumors but are ignored by doctors.  But before these natural remedies are revealed, the stage for their use has to be set.

    Short of complete surgical breast removal, there is no treatment that will allay the fears of a woman newly diagnosed with a form of cancer that paradoxically will never pose a threat to their lives.

    They call it non-cancer or Stage-zero (non-life threatening) breast cancer.  It has risen to comprise about 1 in 4 breast cancer diagnoses made today comprising 60,000 new cases annually.  In medical terminology, it is called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), early cancerous changes in the milk ducts of women’s breasts.

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  • Behind The Curtains, A Cancer Cure

    Posted January 12, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    A researcher believes he has a novel cure for cancer.  In fact, a lengthy patent explains the rationale for the cure.  But in doing so, it reveals much more.

    First this researcher notes that the lifetime cancer risk is 40% in humans and just 4% in virtually all other large-bodied long-lived species.  Why?

    In the presentation of his patent-applied-for cure it is noted that the 2-year survival observed in cancer patients over the past 27 years is a disappointing 7%.  The reason given is telling.

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  • Depletion of Iron From Tumor Cells Prior To Vitamin C Therapy Quells Cancer

    Posted January 2, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    It is widely known that mega-dose vitamin C transiently produces hydrogen peroxide, an oxidant, to selectively kill cancer cells. In the late 1970s Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron were first to report of success utilizing intravenous vitamin C to produce 1-year survival among 22 percent of otherwise hopeless cancer patients (chemotherapy at the time was far less effective). Subsequent studies concluded oral vitamin C could not possibly reach adequate blood concentrations of vitamin C to produce hydrogen peroxide (cancer cell killing effect) even though the data from that study ran contrary to the conclusions drawn. [Knowledge of Health 2016]

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  • Highlights From The 3rd International Symposium on Rice Science in Global Health

    Posted December 10, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    Nov. 29-30, 2018 Kyoto, Japan

    Sponsored by TSUNO FOODS & RICE CO. Wakayama, Japan

    By Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc. USA

    There is discussion in Japan over precisely what in the traditional Japanese diet is responsible for their superlative health and longevity. Rice is a common answer but as a presenter at the 3rd International Symposium on Rice Science in Global Health in Kyoto, Japan, I had the unique opportunity as an outsider to offer my take on that question.

    The confusion at the rice symposium started with statements by presenters, like “rice is a staple food in Japan/Asia and is rich in tocotrienols.” No, tocotrienols (a form of vitamin E) is found in the bran (hull) of rice which is separated to make white rice. Bran, not white rice, is vitamin rich.

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  • Rice Bran Molecules From Japan Underutilized In Modern Medicine

    Posted November 29, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    Kyoto, Japan (November 29, 2018):  While modern synthetic medicines treat symptoms of disease but fail to address their underlying cause and newly developed drugs don’t work as well as old ones, small molecules derived from rice bran (inositol, ferulic acid, gamma oryzanol, inositol hexaphosphate- IP6) address many of the root causes of illness as well as aging itself, which represents the majority of chronic maladies treated by modern medicine.

    So says health journalist Bill Sardi (Knowledge of Health, USA) who delivers a presentation in Kyoto, Japan this week at the 3rd International Symposium on Rice Science in Global Health. Sardi has written two books (The Iron Time Bomb and How To Live 100 Years Without Growing Old) about rice bran and health emanating from his trips to Japan.

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  • As Flu Scare Tactics Unfold, Skip The Vaccine, Eat Eggs

    Posted September 22, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    As the Earth begins to tilt away from the sun in winter, North America prepares for the seasonal spread of influenza. The annual flu scare promulgated by public health agencies is now underway. The public is told: “Next flu pandemic could be ‘DEADLIER than Spanish flu‘ – wiping out 400 million across the globe,” say news reports.

    Given recent evidence that news agencies spread fake news for political purposes, one would think by now the public would have caught onto this scare tactic as the Centers For Disease Control serves as a shill for vaccine manufacturers.

    The news reports admit influenza viruses are unstable and rapidly mutate. But they never say they rapidly mutate into less deadly strains mid-flu season. Got to sell millions of doses of flu vaccine or they go unused.

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