Posted April 3, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Fearmongers show the body bags and caskets, display the obituaries; feature news reports of a newborn baby with coronavirus. News media and government propagandists display a world with no virtually defense against a deadly viral pathogen. No masks (nearly useless anyway) and a shortage of ventilators (70-90% die if they get to this point).
Now mayors (not health authorities) mandate masks and really whip up more fear. Every politician wants to hang his political hat on his handling of the coronavirus outbreak. Wear a mask or otherwise you won’t be allowed to stand in line to get food at the grocery store, or at least others in line will chase you away, being fearful of transmission of infectious disease themselves.
With the population feeling defenseless because there is no vaccine, a last gasp measure is to quarantine and socially space (isolate) people, which is obviously not working in Italy (see chart below), didn’t work on an ocean liner, and didn’t work on an aircraft carrier.
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Posted March 26, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Initially the coronavirus outbreak started with 186 persons and 38 died, a ghastly shocking mortality rate of 20.4%. A public health emergency was considered.
Right away World Health Organization (WHO) authorities realized doctors weren’t prepared to manage such an urgent situation. Patients were crowded in emergency rooms and multibed hospital rooms; family members visited freely, facilitating a second spread of the virus. Doctors narrowly focused on treating patients rather than managing the epidemic from a larger point of view.
The socioeconomic impact of the outbreak was great. Yet the numbers of infections and deaths from coronavirus were smaller than the numbers from tuberculosis or seasonal influenza.
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Posted March 23, 2020: by Bill Sardi
The reality is, most of the cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection have been diagnosed without confirmation by laboratory testing. And so, doctors end up finding what they are looking for – – COVID-19. The singular mind-set of modern medicine continues to be practiced today. COVID-19 fits a script that was created prior to this current epidemic. That is because they want to develop a single-component vaccine and inoculate the entire planet at one time (the dream of a billionaire philanthropist). So, better get sick to make his dream come true (NOT!). Somehow, vaccine makers were reportedly making a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine long before the first outbreak in China.
Similarly, most virologists collectively believe the Spanish flu of 1918 was caused by an influenza virus, with some level of certainty, maybe H5N1.
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Posted March 21, 2020: by Bill Sardi
A geophysical and demographic analysis of COVID-19 coronavirus deaths in China and Italy reveals leaders in western nations have been misled that quarantine and social distancing will quell the spread of this disease. The mortal cases of infectious pneumonia continued on past quarantines. Death rates will predictably fall as temperatures and the solar UV index rise with the arrival of the Spring equinox (March 19).
Solar ultraviolet radiation produces vitamin D in exposed skin and is the overriding factor in infectious disease control.
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Posted March 20, 2020: by Bill Sardi
There are reports chloroquine (Plaquenil), a drug prescribed for severe autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis and malaria, may be effective in quelling coronavirus infections. Chloroquine is said to inhibit coronavirus infection. Authorities are attempting to gain early approval of this arthritis drug for coronavirus. The drug is prescription only, but there are efforts to obtain it via Canadian pharmacies.
Chloroquine is a nasty drug with a long list of horrendous or chronic side effects, in particular unremitting nausea and diarrhea. While reports say this prescription drug has rare side effects, in actual use it is very problematic. It should not be used for coronavirus infections as side effects may be more troublesome than the infection.
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Posted March 19, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Source: WIKIPEDIA Courtesy of Knowledge of Health |
African trypanosomiasis (protozoa) |
Untreated |
~100% |
Visceral leishmaniasis |
Untreated |
~100% |
Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis |
Untreated |
~100% |
Rabies (viral) |
Untreated |
~99% |
Smallpox (Variola virus) |
Untreated |
~95% |
Ebola virus |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
83-90% |
AIDS, HIV virus infection |
Untreated |
80-90% |
Anthrax bacterium |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
>85% |
Aspergillosis fungus, pulmonary |
— |
50-90% |
Influenza A virus, H5N1 |
— |
~60% |
Bubonic plague |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
5-60% |
Tularemia (rabbit fever), bacterium |
Untreated |
~60% |
Marburg virus |
Untreated |
23-90% |
Plague (lung), bacterium Yersinia pestis |
Untreated |
50% |
Tetanus (lockjaw), bacterium |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
50% |
Reye’s syndrome (aspirin w/fever) |
— |
40% |
Dengue fever |
Untreated |
26% |
Leptospirosis (blood), spirochete |
— |
5-30% |
Legionellosis (lung), bacteria |
— |
~15% |
Meningococcal disease, bacterium |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
10-20% |
Typhoid fever |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
10-20% |
SARS coronavirus |
Vanished since 2004 |
11% |
Botulism (Clostridium botulinus) |
— |
<10% |
Diphtheria, bacterium |
Untreated, unvaccinated |
~5-10% |
Yellow fever, virus |
Unvaccinated |
7.5% |
Pertussis (whooping cough), bacterial |
Unvaccinated |
3.7% |
Spanish flu, 1918 |
Treated |
>2.5% |
Measles (rubeola) |
Unvaccinated |
~1-3% |
Hepatitis A (over 50 years old) |
Unvaccinated |
~1.8% |
Lassa fever, viral |
— |
~1% |
Mumps, encephalitis, virus |
Unvaccinated |
~1% |
COVID-19 coronavirus New England Journal Medicine |
Supportive (no vaccine) |
Like seasonal influenza 1/10th of 1% |
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Posted March 16, 2020: by Bill Sardi
I don’t fear a virus that is allegedly infecting and killing as much as I do politically induced panic. There are so many mixed messages based upon faulty if not contrived and outright fraudulent data it is difficult to short out and draw any conclusion from this so-called pandemic. And now, as if there wasn’t enough confusion, we have government permission to pray but we can’t go to church (ban on assembly in large groups)! More about that at the end of this report.
Under the conjured-up fear of death, world populations have willingly complied with political mandates to lockdown and self-quarantine indoors and avoid contact with others, essentially freezing economies and further worsening a respiratory disease season that is largely defined by a lack of sunshine vitamin D in winter months.
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Posted March 6, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Physicians in Wuhan, China, the epicenter for COVID-19 coronavirus that is now infecting human populations around the globe, report a shortage of test kits for this infectious pathogen. But maybe doctors rather than test for a virus ought to be testing for a viral vulnerability factor – an unstable form of haptoglobin (HAPTO-G), genetically prevalent in Asian populations. Then they wouldn’t be likely to run out of test kits as they are manufactured, in of all places, right there in Wuhan.
What is haptoglobin? (hap-tow-glow-bin) This blood protein binds to hemoglobin, the red protein in red blood cells that carries both oxygen and iron. By virtue of its binding power, haptoglobin mops up hemoglobin and loose iron when red blood cells die off so as to limit the availability of potentially destructive unbound iron. Haptoglobin also reduces the amount of iron lost in the kidneys and recycles it.
Out of three types of haptoglobin (HAPTO-G), one type doesn’t bind as well to hemoglobin, releases excess iron which then increases iron-induced oxidation (rusting), and increases oxidation (hardening) of cholesterol and degradation of vitamin C.
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Posted February 26, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Oh, you’re saying I must be crazy. Who would want to intentionally get infected with the allegedly deadly COVID-19 corona virus that is now causing human populations to mindlessly cancel airline reservations, cause health officials to quarantine vacationers on ocean liners, has caused stock markets to crash and has emptied Chinese restaurants around the globe?
Thousands of people in South Korea line up to get face masks. (You can make your own at home with a paper towel and rubber bands, but they are only presumed to be effective. Surgical masks reduce aerosol viruses by 6-fold but live viruses are still detected in the air. Only a N95-respirator reduces airborne flu particles by 100-fold).
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Posted February 1, 2020: by Bill Sardi
The emails pour in………. in one way or another the emailers words ask: “are we all going to die of coronavirus infection?” “What do we do?” I can feel the panic and terror in the emails I am receiving.
This time, the viral epidemic is better than any horror movie. One wonders if there will be a hidden parasite in the upcoming coronavirus vaccine that penetrates the blood/brain barrier and zombifies humans – mind control via vaccination. This actually happens in nature among wasps, worms, dogs, and even humans (archived in Matt Simon’s book PLIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD). It’s a modern re-run of the “everybody had better drink their Kool-Aid” event that killed 900 members of a cult in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978, X a billion. I’d invest in the casket business now before others think about it. We’d all literally be dying for a cure.
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