• Modern Medicine: Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back

    Posted June 28, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Modern medicine appears to have not only reached a point of diminishing returns, when new medicines don’t beat the old, but a point in time when the overmedicalization of the population produces deleterious rather than additive results, when medicines and vaccines backfire and cause more disease than they prevent, when numbers like cholesterol and blood pressure are medicinally controlled but mortality rates don’t decline and patients are only exposed to side effects with no real health benefits.

    Much of this problem appears to stem from profiteering off therapies that treat but don’t cure, medicines that treat one disease but cause another, approved medicines based upon large population studies that do not apply to individuals and mortality reduction based upon estimated deaths rather than real body counts.  For example, statin drugs have never been shown to significantly reduce the risk for mortal heart attacks and only marginally reduce risk for non-mortal heart attacks. [LewRockwell.com]

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  • Is Your Doctor This Candid With You About The Shortcomings Of Modern Medicine?

    Posted May 30, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    At a time when health authorities claim they making attempts to lower the cost of healthcare, the exact opposite seems to be happening.  More people are now insured under the Affordable Care Act and that means more healthcare dollars will be spent.  Insurance premiums are rising beyond affordability.

    Medicare enrollment is going to grow from 48 million in 2010 to 81 million in 2020 and there is an underfunded liability of nearly $25 trillion for present and future healthcare to be delivered under Medicare.  [USA Today June 8, 2011]

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  • Fifteen Ways Allicin From Fresh-Crushed Garlic Beats Big Pharma’s Best Drugs

    Posted May 27, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    • Garlic mimics ACE inhibitors and calcium blockers
    • Garlic kills off yeast infection (Candida albicans) better than most drugs
    • Garlic works when bacteria become resistant to antibiotics
    • Garlic works better than anti-AIDs/HIV drug AZT
    • Garlic saves babies lives during pregnancy (conquers Strep B infection)
    • Garlic might conquer drug-resistant TB before drugs do
    • Garlic abolishes anthrax better than 5 antibiotics
    • Garlic spares good bacteria (acidophilus) when antibiotics don’t
    • Garlic removes lead better than commonly used drug (d-penicilliamine)
    • Garlic bests statin drugs – removes calcifications 3-fold better
    • Garlic superior to 3 classes of heart drugs
    • Garlic bests aspirin

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  • Lack Of Vitamin A May Be Overlooked Root Of Tinnitus And Hearing Loss

    Posted May 21, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Nutritional supplementation may play a preventive, therapeutic or even regenerative role when hearing loss occurs. Frequently doctors are remiss in making nutritional recommendations. It is now a common practice for physicians to address every disease as if it were a drug deficiency in the face of published reports showing nutritional imbalances are at the root of most chronic diseases.

    For example, confronted with a case of sudden unexplained loss of hearing, physicians impulsively inject steroids that have been shown to work no better than an inactive placebo. [Archives Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery June 2007] Yet there are valid nutritional approaches to emergent cases of hearing loss, as explained below.

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  • More Than Just GMO

    Posted May 10, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    When The Food-Pharma-Health Care Industrial Complex Covertly Forces Its Franken-Foods And Ineffective & Problematic Vaccines On An Unsuspecting Public (Medical Fascism)

    The view of the food industry is that there will be a billion or two more people on the planet soon and we have to make food that is resistant to insect invasion and more durable under weather conditions.  But the hidden agenda is simply increasing bottom line profits possibly at the expense of health.

    That possibility will forever be wrapped up in debate.  There are those who say “not a single person has ever been harmed by genetically modified foods.” [DailyCaller.com April 29, 2014]  One claim is that GMO foods compete with organically-grown crops (no herbicides, no pesticides) and that GMOs pose an economic threat to the few loud-mouthed organic growers.

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  • Predictable: Modern Medicine Errantly Claims Asthma Deaths Are A Result Of A Drug Deficiency, Not A Nutrient Deficiency

    Posted May 9, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    “Hundreds of deaths could be prevented” says the headline published at the UK’s online TELEGRAPH health home page.  “Asthma sufferers are dying needlessly,” says health editor Laura Donnelly.  Two-thirds of the deaths from asthma including almost all of those involving children could have been prevented with use of stronger-dose steroid inhalers.  Health authorities called it a “frankly horrifying” blunder.  Lower-dose inhalers were used because they were more economical.  A leading physician said it was “a tragic waste of life,” and added that all patients should have access to high-quality care.

    However the problem may be rooted in lack of proper nutrition, not in a drug deficiency.  The medical literature is replete with reports showing vitamin D deficiency increases the severity of asthma attacks.  [Hospital Pediatrics Oct 2013; Indian Journal Pediatrics Nov 6, 2013; Respiratory Research Feb 22, 2013]  Vitamin D can be used without the withering of bone, cloudy cataracts and depressed immune system that result from chronic used of steroidal drugs to control asthma.

    Physician indifference and ignorance are to blame for these avoidable deaths.  ©2014 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

  • Health Practices: Are You Living In The Past?

    Posted : by Bill Sardi

    Suddenly there are a plethora of recent reports that indicate many of the common health practices promoted in recent decades have been a giant misdirection.  Let’s examine some of them:

    Still take an aspirin a day to prevent a heart attack?

    Like millions of Americans are you still taking a baby aspirin every day to prevent blood clots from forming in your coronary arteries that supply your heart with oxygenated blood?

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  • Collapse Of Conventional Medicine Update #1 May 4, 2014

    Posted May 6, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    This columnist, having written a free online e-book some years ago entitled THE COLLAPSE OF CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE, has frustratingly witnessed an undeserved love affair between the American public and the healthcare industrial complex.  Americans adore their doctors to a fault and wear the false claim that America has “the best healthcare system in the world” with misdirected pride.   Americans’ over-reliant faith in doctoring and prescription medicines has cost many hundreds of thousands of lives.  But Americans keep coming back for more.  Inexplicably, some Americans participated in public demonstrations to oppose any cutbacks in Medicare even though it is a program that is underfunded by trillions of dollars.

    Americans simply don’t know what else to do when they get sick but run to the doctor’s office.  What did moms did for their kids decades ago for their kids’ earaches and high fevers and grandpa’s angina?  We’ve forgotten what home remedies are.

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  • You Haven’t Time To Wait For Big Pharma To Come Up With Some High-Priced Drug For Alzheimer’s Disease

    Posted May 1, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Pharmaceutical companies have no promising synthetic drugs in their pipeline for mental decline due to Alzheimer’s disease and even if they did, they would be a decade away from gaining FDA approval.  That doesn’t mean that nature doesn’t provide even more promising molecules that are ready for off-the-shelf use.

    Researchers indicate aging changes in the brain start 15 years before symptoms of mental decline become apparent.  That means the generation of adults approaching their 50th birthday need to use the best available evidence today to maintain independence in their retirement years since they don’t have time to wait for any imagined FDA-approved drugs.

    Data from Japan will serve to provide information on the latest developments in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

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  • What Happens When You Place Heart Disease Patients With Diabetes On Four Different Drugs? Not much.

    Posted April 30, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    A recent study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology reveals the placement of patients with heart disease and accompanying diabetes on four different drugs (beta blockers to slow the heart, aspirin as a blood thinner, renin angiotensin blockers/ACE inhibitors captopril, enalapril, lisinoprilto control blood pressure; and statin cholesterol-lowering drugs) appears to be an abject failure.

    In only 20% of the patients did the combination of these drugs adequately control blood pressure; in only 22% of the patients with diabetes were these drugs effective in controlling their long-term blood sugar levels (hemoglobin A1c); and in only 53% of the patients did these drugs bring down LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol to target levels.  [European Journal Preventive Medicine April 1, 2014]  – ©2014 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

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