Posted June 9, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    IDIOPATHIC DISEASE: When The Doctor Says The Cause Of The Symptoms You Experience Is Unknown
    (or maybe it’s just all in your head)

    Idiopathic: any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown.

    Derrick Lonsdale MD ought to know something about patients for whom other doctors could not find a cause or reason for their chronic symptoms other than psychosomatic phenomena.  He has been helping patients resolve what are called idiopathic (unexplained) disorders for decades now.  His standby remedy, vitamin B1 (thiamine).

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  • Humans Can’t Fully Correct For A Gene Mutation That Halted The Internal Secretion Of Vitamin C By Taking Oral Vitamin C Throughout The Day. Are We On The Cusp Of Correcting That Gene Mutation?

    Posted May 21, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    Please don’t let what is written here discourage you from taking vitamin C multiple times a day. That is what every noted vitamin C researcher has recommended. That is because vitamin C is rapidly excreted and has a half-life in the human body of 30 minutes. It needs to be replaced throughout the day.

    How much vitamin C do you need?

    First, the answer to the question how much vitamin C an individual needs is not provided in studies of groups of people. Population studies only provide an answer as to how much vitamin C is needed to significantly alter some measure of health or disease in a group. Yet it is these very studies that public health agencies reference in a flawed manner to advise individuals how much vitamin C they need to maintain health. The answer as to how much vitamin C you need as an individual is quite variable and depends upon many factors described below that obviously change both rapidly and over time.

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  • If Eggs Increase Risk For Strokes And Aspirin Is Ineffective, Then What Does Prevent Strokes?

    Posted March 20, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    Millions of people who have been eating and enjoying cholesterol-rich eggs under the assurance they do not increase the risk for heart disease have now been told eggs (slightly) increase the risk for strokes.

    And 50+ million Americans have now been told the aspirin tablet they have been taking to prevent a heart attack or a stroke is useless.

    Bottom line, the most recent advice is to throw out the eggs and the aspirin tablets.

    But wait, organized medicine has misled the public before.

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    Posted January 23, 2019: by Bill Sardi


    Results of preliminary clinical tests are in and they confirm the unique array of ingredients in FORMULA-21TM double blood serum levels of vitamin C in all subjects tested without intake of this essential nutrient from dietary or supplemental sources.  The effect is long-lasting – up to 24 hours.

    The study also found Formula-21TM elevates vitamin C blood levels as biological stress is induced, mimicking how most animals who internally product vitamin C on demand respond to mental or physical stress.

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  • Masses Should Begin Vitamin C Supplementation To Head Off A Mental Health Catastrophe

    Posted January 18, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    Alzheimer’s mental decline can be headed off years in advance of the occurrence of symptoms with the use of vitamin C supplements but not with oranges or apples that are considered to be vitamin C-rich foods.

    Don’t wait for your doctor or public health authorities to produce a vaccine or a drug to prevent the predicted tripling of Alzheimer’s disease from 4.7 to 13.8 million by the year 2050.  The research community has already identified the initial step in the development of Alzheimer’s but is reluctant to make a public health pronouncement that would upset the current pharmaceutical drug paradigm that predominates in modern medicines (none of the five classes of approved drug for this brain disease address its cause).

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  • Behind The Curtains, A Cancer Cure

    Posted January 12, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    A researcher believes he has a novel cure for cancer.  In fact, a lengthy patent explains the rationale for the cure.  But in doing so, it reveals much more.

    First this researcher notes that the lifetime cancer risk is 40% in humans and just 4% in virtually all other large-bodied long-lived species.  Why?

    In the presentation of his patent-applied-for cure it is noted that the 2-year survival observed in cancer patients over the past 27 years is a disappointing 7%.  The reason given is telling.

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  • Depletion of Iron From Tumor Cells Prior To Vitamin C Therapy Quells Cancer

    Posted January 2, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    It is widely known that mega-dose vitamin C transiently produces hydrogen peroxide, an oxidant, to selectively kill cancer cells. In the late 1970s Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron were first to report of success utilizing intravenous vitamin C to produce 1-year survival among 22 percent of otherwise hopeless cancer patients (chemotherapy at the time was far less effective). Subsequent studies concluded oral vitamin C could not possibly reach adequate blood concentrations of vitamin C to produce hydrogen peroxide (cancer cell killing effect) even though the data from that study ran contrary to the conclusions drawn. [Knowledge of Health 2016]

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    Posted October 31, 2018: by Bill Sardi


    In the archives of medicine is found record of the first sign of scurvy – a severe form of vitamin C deficiency. In an era between 1500-1800 AD sailors on board long sailing ships came down with purple blotches underneath their skin, what was called “purpura nautica” at the time.

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  • Coronary Artery Disease: The Overlooked Vitamin

    Posted October 26, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    Quick, all you savvy readers who know about vitamins, without any further investigation, which antioxidant vitamin listed below is NOT known to exert therapeutic benefits for coronary artery disease?

    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin E
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Vitamin D
    5. Vitamin K

    There is no trick to the above question. It is well documented that vitamins E, C, D and K may be beneficial in preventing and treating coronary artery disease. Most astute followers of vitamin therapy would likely say vitamin A shouldn’t even be on the list.

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  • 200+Year Lifespan?

    Posted September 14, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    If What Has Been Demonstrated In The
    Animal Lab Can Be Achieved In Humans,
    Some Individuals May Live 200+ Years

    • Mankind is achieving small increases in “adult mortality reductions” that produce unprecedented longevity in modern day populations in developed countries.
    • An even greater (2.7-fold) increase in the human lifespan could possibly be achieved by making up for a genetic flaw in humans, the same genetic flaw that was recently overcome in the animal lab to produce extraordinary longevity.
    • Habitual vitamin C intake throughout the day with non-toxic oral doses that far exceed current recommendations by public health agencies could theoretically expand the human lifespan beyond belief. Currently only a few people currently adhere to such a vitamin regimen.

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