Posted January 10, 2018: by Bill Sardi
Incredulity: unwilling or unable to believe something.
Saying the results of their study are “implausible” and should be “viewed with appropriate skepticism,” researchers are in frank denial over a study which shows a so-called “high-dose” multivitamin formula drastically reduces mortality rates among post-heart attack patients, a beneficial effect that was completely negated by concomitant use of statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.
The study, published in the American Heart Journal, was conducted among adults who had experienced a prior heart attack and had undergone intravenous chelation therapy. Vitamin and mineral replacement is customarily prescribed after chelation therapy.
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Posted July 17, 2017: by Bill Sardi
What we now observe is a blistering condemnation of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs coming out of news sources in Great Britain with absolute silence on the subject from US-based news agencies.
The scathing denunciation of statin drugs emanates from The Pharmaceutical Journal in the UK that declares the cholesterol hypothesis of cardiovascular disease is “dead.”
The prevalent mantra that statins are “life-savers” and that “people will die” if they discontinue statins, as well as advice “everyone over 50 should be on a statin drug,” is based upon “cherry-picking” of the data say investigators. A review of 44 published trials of statin drugs finds among subjects taking statins to prevent a heart attacks, these pills only add 4 days to one’s life!
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Posted May 31, 2017: by Bill Sardi
Modern medicine has done it again. Long-term use of drugs called bisphosphanates designed to prevent bone loss with advancing age have now been associated with higher risk of any clinical fracture. Researchers say: “These results add to concerns about the benefit of very long-term bisphosphonate use.” [Journal American Geriatrics Society May 29, 2017]
Historically a bisphosphonate (Fosamax) caused its manufacturer to pay $27.7 million in a settlement over bone deterioration in the jaw among 1200 people in 2013. [Reuters Dec 9, 2013]
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Posted April 14, 2017: by Bill Sardi
Key points:
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Posted November 16, 2016: by Bill Sardi
The Statin Drug Shepherds Mislead The Sheep Again
Sheep have a strong instinct to follow the sheep in front of them. If one sheep in a large flock begins to bolt and run in a different direction the rest may follow. There is no question there is a statin-compliant patient who dutifully follows their doctor’s instructions without question and the rest follow. There is an overly loyal patient pool that follows the orders issue by their self-serving doctors.
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Posted January 16, 2016: by Bill Sardi
I have written extensively at about cholesterol and statin drugs: A new injectable cholesterol drug (July 28, 2015); When will modern medicine give up its cholesterol cash-cow? (Dec 27, 2013); Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs work via reduction of iron (May 27, 2013); Statin drugs don’t save lives (Nov 10, 2008); Coronary calcium predicts future heart attacks, not cholesterol (March 28, 2008); Who will tell the people? It isn’t cholesterol. (Feb 5, 2007);
There have been numerous other critics of statin drugs: Don’t give more patients statins, John Abramson/Rita Redberg, NY times (Nov 13, 2013); The Great Cholesterol Con, Malcolm Kendrick (Oct 1, 2008); The Cholesterol Myths, Uffe Ravnskov (Oct 1, 2000); The Statin Damage Crisis, Duane Graveline (July 29, 2012); Lipitor Thief Of Memory, Duane Graveline (Sept 23, 2010)
Yet the American population has been systematically educated and can be considered a nation of ingrained cholesterol phobes and the statin drug industry continues to rake in billions of dollars in revenues.
Posted in Diet, Dietary Supplements, Heart, Resveratrol ; No Comments »
Posted September 20, 2015: by Bill Sardi
Why do women experience a steep increase in heart attacks with the onset of menopause? The obvious answer, without checking the science, is the decline in estrogen production has something to do with the dramatic increase in strokes and heart attacks among post-menopausal women.
Despite the obvious benefits of estrogen replacement, the American Heart Association does not recommend postmenopausal hormone therapy to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke because some studies have failed to show a reduced risk. A spokesperson for the AHA says: “Estrogen decline isn’t the only reason women face a higher cardiovascular disease risk after reaching menopause. We’re trying to figure the rest of it out.” [American Heart Assn]
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Posted September 9, 2015: by Bill Sardi
IP6 phytate is an overlooked nutritional factor that is protective against stiffening (calcification) of the first blood vessel (aorta) outside the heart. Stiffening of the aorta is associated with higher systolic (pumping) blood pressure.
The dietary intake of IP6 was recently measured as determined by excretion in urine among senior adults, with the following results:
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Posted August 27, 2015: by Bill Sardi
Today’s news headlines once again attribute recent declines in coronary heart disease mortality to statin drugs and modern treatments like arterial stents.
Citing a report in the European Heart Journal, The Daily Mail, a British publication, mistakenly claims Great Britain has “one of the best records in Europe” with 184 deaths per 100,000 people for coronary heart disease — a dramatic 46.9% decline over the past 10 years. [European Heart Journal Aug 25, 2015; Daily Mail UK Aug 26, 2015] Yet the chart below reveals Great Britain (United Kingdom) isn’t even in the top 10 countries with the lowest death rate for coronary artery disease.
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Posted July 27, 2015: by Bill Sardi
It’s a cardiologist’s dream come true. A newly approved $1200/monthly-injectable drug that dramatically reduces circulating cholesterol levels may become the first $100-200 billion medicine.
That would dwarf the record $9 billion annual sales for Lipitor, the statin cholesterol-lowering drug that was the best selling drug of all time until its patent recently expired. And to add value to the equation, this newly FDA-approved drug may be the first cholesterol-lowering medication to actually save lives, but for different reasons than advertised.
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