Posted June 20, 2013: by Bill Sardi
Whooping cough (known as pertussis) is rampant in areas where poorly nourished immigrants cross the border and enter the US. Yet nutrition is not considered the first line of defense against this health problem which can be mortal to infants and toddlers. Pertussis vaccine is posed as the first line of defense against whooping cough, but upon examination we can see that pertussis vaccination doesn’t always work. Among 176 reported cases of whooping cough in the State of Washington (most being under 6 months of age), 77% were age-appropriately vaccinated.
In another instance, more than half of the infant cases of whooping cough were fully vaccinated but vaccination was far from being effective.
A new reason why whooping cough is gaining attention by public health authorities is the realization that this infection leads to a higher mortality rate much later in life – 20% higher among females and 40% among males. It could be that poor nutrition early in life continues into adulthood, or it could be that genes are being imprinted in an unhealthy manner.
A major problem is that very young infants may not develop sufficient antibodies against pertussis following vaccination. Their immune systems are too immature. Most young infants rely upon mother’s milk to obtain immune factors that protect against infectious disease.
It has been documented that the provision of supplemental vitamin C to animals improves antibody production.
We have to dig back in the archives of the National Library of Medicine to the 1930s to find where physicians successfully employed supplemental vitamin C to treat whooping cough. Supplemental vitamin C shortened the days of coughing episodes and the severity of the disease.
Clearly, the narrow focus of preventing whooping cough by often-ineffective vaccination is resulting in many lost lives. The marginalization of nutritional therapies by modern medicine has deadly consequences. ©2013 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.
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