Posted November 2, 2021: by Bill Sardi
Modern medicine pays little attention to promising scientific studies that point to inexpensive medical technologies that do not generate outrageous profits. Economical cures are closeted because they don’t pay the bills. Only a few savvy patients catch on and dare to use natural medicines without medical guidance. Short of making many doctors cab drivers, a number of modern maladies could be quelled with nickel and dime cures if patients only knew of alternatives.
Human populations could be living longer and healthier lives if all the ignored medical technology were to be put into practice.
There are many examples. Exposure of one will serve to make this point.
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Posted April 13, 2020: by Bill Sardi
On April 8, President Donald Trump, speaking from the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in his daily press conference said: “You should add zinc” to any COVID-19 treatment regimen. “I want to throw that out there because that’s where they seem to have the best result,” likely referring to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s online posting that the use of the President’s medicine chloroquine plus zinc and an antibiotic remedied 100% of hundreds of cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infections occurring in a village of Hasidic orthodox Jews in New York.
The President added: “So, you add the zinc and the antibiotic, and it’s been – we’ve had a lot of good stories.”
The response by the news media and medical authorities was resoundingly negative. Dr. Vin Gupta, a critical care physician and lung expert, said “There’s no evidence I’ve seen in the literature suggesting zinc in addition to hydryxychloroquine would be helpful,” referring to an anti-malaria drug President Donald Trump had earlier called a “gamechanger.”
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Posted March 3, 2020: by Bill Sardi
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Posted February 13, 2020: by Bill Sardi
It is now evident that public health authorities in Wuhan, China are afflicted with a severe form of wintertime coronavirus madness. This previously unidentified mental affliction began slowly and then spread so rapidly that the National Institutes of Health quietly initiated a study on February 10 to determine the cause of this psychological madness that has targeted the medical profession. (If you have difficulty believing this, click on the links.)
Early findings of the study point to a form of mania that is more likely to strike physicians and healthcare workers who are wrapped up in hazmat suits or are confined to work in indoor hospital environments 24/7 and therefore have abjectly low sunshine vitamin D blood levels.
Posted in Coronavirus, Health Care System, Modern Medicine, Vitamins ; No Comments »
Posted January 20, 2020: by Bill Sardi
The latest study of intravenously infused vitamin C/vitamin b1/cortisone treatment of sepsis (blood poisoning), a deadly malady that is killing over 500,000 hospitalized patients a year, failed to show any significant survival benefit when compared to cortisone (adrenal stress hormone) alone.
Since Paul E. Marik MD of the Eastern Virginia Medical School reported in 2017 a striking reduction in mortality (from 40.4% to 8.5%) in the intensive care unit when vitamin/cortisone therapy was administered (Chest, June 2017), 37 studies were subsequently launched to confirm or dismiss Dr. Marik’s results.
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Posted January 16, 2020: by Bill Sardi
Walk in to any chain pharmacy or a Big Box store, and they are promoting flu shots as you enter the front door. Flu shots are big business now. The masses must be vaccinated.
Relias Media, self-proclaimed as a “trusted source for healthcare information,” releases this headline story: “Given the nation’s antivaccine movement and the annual safety myths and efficacy quibbles about the seasonal influenza vaccine, public health officials are keeping it simple this year: CDC: Flu Vaccination Can Keep You Out Of The Hospital, Morgue.” In my lifetime, I have never known of a single person who died of influenza. Yet the annual mortal threat posed by the flu seems like an imagined pandemic every flu season.
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Posted December 18, 2019: by Bill Sardi
Drug companies are exploring new ways to increase sales by getting patients to take their drugs on time.
Numerous surveys show many patients fail to take their prescribed medicines for a variety of reasons. One survey shows 90% of patients said they take their medications as directed, but in reality, only 25% did. Surprisingly, use of reminder devices, such as digital timer bottle caps, do not improve drug adherence. Even notices sent to smartphones may only be marginally effective at improving drug adherence to daily drug regimens.
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Posted December 2, 2019: by Bill Sardi
While modern medicine casts a blind eye towards vitamin therapy and even exhibits open disdain for health practitioners and patients who incorporate vitamins into daily health regimens, it now appears a half-million Americans are losing their lives to a mortal bloodstream infection called sepsis that is induced by a deficiency of vitamin C.
After three decades, and more than one-hundred failed clinical trials of synthetic drugs to quell the most common cause of death in American hospitals, modern medicine is dragging its feet over what has now been demonstrated to be obvious — intravenous vitamin C demonstrably reduces death from sepsis. Sepsis patients are being brought back from the precipice of death, enough to make ICU nurses cry tears of joy. But medical overseers have attempted to obscure this fact.
Posted in Modern Medicine, Vitamins ; No Comments »
Posted October 9, 2019: by Bill Sardi
Vaccine Attempts To Prevent 70,000 Cases Of Brain Inflammation But Possibly Causes Hundreds Of Thousands Of Cases Of A Chronic Autoimmune Nerve Disorder
Vaccines are safe and effective. Check.
The vaccine used to prevent Japanese encephalitis, a dreaded mosquito-borne viral infection that incapacitates children and adults throughout Asia, is without serious side effects. Check.
But what if this vaccine causes another disease other than encephalitis? Maybe nobody would ever know.
That is precisely what is going on in China.
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Posted October 5, 2019: by Bill Sardi
A study published in 2017 among 1038 general practitioners found 14% recommended certain vaccines for their patients but not for their own children. Among physicians who had all of their children vaccinated, 35.9% did not always recommend the MMR vaccine to their childhood patients; 28.5% did not always recommend the meningococcal meningitis C vaccine; 47.2% did not always recommend the Hepatitis B vaccine; 27.4% did not always recommend the vaccine for the human papilloma virus.
Another study published in 2012 showed that 9% of pediatricians and 21% of specialized pediatricians deviated from CDC vaccination guidelines for their own children, mostly for newer vaccines introduced since 2009 such as human papilloma, meningitis, hepatitis and influenza vaccines.
Israel, Canada and Japan don’t have mandatory vaccination programs and aren’t overwhelmed with infectious diseases among school children.
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