• BOOK REVIEW: I Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself

    Posted April 8, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    RADICAL LONGEVITY, Ann Louise Gittleman, author

    Publication date: May, 2021; 326 pages, Hachette Books.
    Reviewer: Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

    Book Cover: Radical Longevity

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  • The Coming Witch Hunt Against Anti-Vaxxers

    Posted March 25, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    When the Pope vaccinates, he obviously doesn’t want to be burned at the stake

    What I write here may be a bit redundant for readers who follow the columns I write.  I am repetitious because I can’t presume readers have followed all the prior reports that I have written about COVID-19.

    Vaccination has become all-pervasive.  The primary objective of society now is not to earn a living or be a responsible member of society but to get immunized over and over and over after being bombarded with endless fear-evoking propaganda in the news media.  The corps of news reporters is simply a mouthpiece for commercial interests involved in a first-time exercise to immunize the entire world, even pet dogs.

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    Posted March 21, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Virologists and public health authorities aren’t publicly saying what this means, at least not yet… but they know there may be something very ominous unfolding.  Something virologists all feared.  Something that must be kept hush-hush until vaccine makers inoculate the world and make their billions of dollars and national leaders reach their political goals.  But politicians just may end up taking blame, not credit, for a health catastrophe of unprecedented proportion.

    The fact COVID cases are spiking in a dozen States with high vaccination rates may indicate vaccination is spawning viral mutations that turn vaccinated individuals into superspreaders.  The vaccine calms symptoms but fails to halt transmission.

    A vaccine-induced health catastrophe may be unfolding.  It is something journalist Mike Whitney recently called “Satan’s Poker.”  It is what mathematicians in France recently feared in their analysis of the future course of the COVID pandemic.

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  • Vaccines Useless Against Newly Mutated B.1.1.7. Coronavirus Strain; Only Natural Amino Acid (Lysine) Will Quell Anticipated Human Onslaught

    Posted February 27, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Nightmare Scenario Developing; Antibodies Against New Mutant B.1.1.7. Coronavirus Produced By Vaccines Do Not Stop Viral Replication.

    Noted Virus Researcher Alex Chaihorsky PhD Says Lysine Amino Acid Acts As Natural Universal Antidote.

    In an unfolding “nightmare scenario,” the mutant B.1.1.7. coronavirus strain is poised to sweep unimpeded through human populations as antibodies produced by vaccines and prior infections are rendered useless.

    “You cannot halt this B.1.1.7. mutant with drugs, vaccines or other pharmaceuticals. The natural amino acid lysine has recently been reported to quell coronaviruses as safely and effective as it has been proven to eradicate herpes infections over the past forty-plus years,” says Dr. Chaihorsky, founder and president of Bio-Virus Inc., of Reno, Nevada.

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  • Another Negative Vitamin Study Bites the Dust

    Posted February 15, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Aw, another vitamin study fizzles. Just when almost-everybody is taking vitamin pills in hopes of staving off a COVID-19 infection, a study concludes two mainstays of dietary supplementation, mega-dose vitamin C and high-dose zinc, failed to shorten the number of days of symptomatic infection among 214 adult outpatients freshly diagnosed with COVID-19.  Investigators concluded “these supplements cannot be recommended to reduce symptom morbidity in such patients.”  Or can they?

    A pretty hefty dose of vitamin C (8000 milligrams in divided doses) was given to these COVID-19 patients, diagnosed by the notoriously inaccurate PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test that yields many false positives.  Given that vitamin C is rapidly excreted, doses spread out over time achieve higher blood serum concentrations than a single mega-dose.  According to one study, the optimal vitamin C frequency is 4 times a day.

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  • CDC Sleight of Hand Revealed in Covid-19 Death Rates

    Posted February 5, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    On March 24, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control fooled all Americans there were more deaths from COVID-19 coronavirus infection by changing the guidelines for determination of co-morbid conditions that contributed to death.

    According to a breaking report at GreenMedInfo, this led to a 16.7-fold increase in deaths attributed to COVID-19, or ~425,000 COVID-19 related deaths on January 29, 2021 or 13 deaths over 10,000 Americans.

    Using long-established guidelines, the accumulated death toll from COVID-19 would have been just 25,429 deaths on that same date, or less than 1 death per 10,000 Americans (see chart below).  The entire fraud, which violates U.S. law, is described in detail in the October 12, 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy & The Law, and has gone unreported by the nation’s news media.

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  • The Rise of Fascism, Loss of Freedom of Choice and Dietary Supplements

    Posted January 15, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Americans are looking down the barrel of a fascist gun for the first time in their lives.  Next to onerous restrictions on gun ownership by law abiding citizens, dietary supplements are at the top the list of fascist targets to eradicate.

    It doesn’t take a prescient fortune teller to predict that dietary supplements are going to come under unprecedented tyrannical oversight by government officials in coming months.  The appointment of anti-supplement hatchet man Dr. David Kessler to President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID Task Force, suggests rough times ahead for nutraceuticals.  Former FDA commissioner David Kessler could be re-appointed as FDA chieftain. Dr. Kessler is known for his anti-dietary supplement stance.

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  • The Killer Isn’t COVID-19. It Is C2H5OH

    Posted January 8, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    A decision in 1979 opened the door for the current COVID-19 epidemic in a way few would imagine.

    The question was whether to add vitamins to alcoholic beverages, vitamins that alcohol (C2H5OH) depletes, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B1 being the most prevalent.

    In 1979 researcher Brian Centerwall and Michael Criqui published a study in The New England Journal of Medicine arguing for vitamin fortification of alcoholic beverages with thiamine (vitamin B1).  Every dollar invested in B1 fortification was predicted to save $7 in nursing home costs.

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  • When Dr. Fauci Said It Wasn’t a Virus

    Posted January 6, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    It was October of 2008.  Dr. Anthony Fauci and colleagues at the National Institutes of Infectious Diseases in Maryland published a retrospective analysis of the deadly 1918 Spanish flu in the Journal of Infectious Diseases that said it was more likely that bacterial pneumonia rather than a flu virus killed many millions of people around the globe at that time.

    The now infamous Dr. Fauci, who “controls the world” with his misdirected about-face pronouncements about lockdowns, not lockdowns, quarantines, face masks and social distancing in the current COVID-19 pandemic, said it wasn’t the flu but rather opportunistic staphylococcus infections that accompanied tuberculosis (TB) infections that led to the millions of reported deaths in 1918.

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  • IATROGENESIS: When Modern Medicine Makes Things Worse In The COVID-19 Era

    Posted December 31, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    Iatrogenic: relating to illness or death caused by medical examination or treatment

    Schools of pharmacy teach health professionals about drug/drug interactions.  Drug incompatibilities are screened by computer to minimize any adverse reactions caused by one drug interfering with another.  But drug/nutrient interactions are largely ignored.

    One of the most dangerous drug/nutrient interactions are medications that interfere with an essential B vitamin – thiamine vitamin B1.  B1deficiency, known as beriberi, can result in death.

    Common medications use to treat blood pressure, diabetes, mental depression, infection, irregular heart rhythm, have just now been discovered to deplete vitamin B1 via interference with internal transporters of this essential nutrient.  A list of these drugs is provided below.

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