• The False Prop Of “Get Your Flu Shot”: “Influenza-Like Illness”

    Posted January 16, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    Walk in to any chain pharmacy or a Big Box store, and they are promoting flu shots as you enter the front door. Flu shots are big business now. The masses must be vaccinated.

    Scare tactics

    Relias Media, self-proclaimed as a “trusted source for healthcare information,” releases this headline story: “Given the nation’s antivaccine movement and the annual safety myths and efficacy quibbles about the seasonal influenza vaccine, public health officials are keeping it simple this year: CDC: Flu Vaccination Can Keep You Out Of The Hospital, Morgue.” In my lifetime, I have never known of a single person who died of influenza. Yet the annual mortal threat posed by the flu seems like an imagined pandemic every flu season.

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  • FORCED VACCINATION: Where is the Moral Force in America?

    Posted October 4, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    If We Can’t Protect Our Children Are We A Civilized Society?

    There is a (raspy) voice in America that is gaining bigger audiences, that is resonating with more and more Americans, that is calling Americans at all ends of the political spectrum to stand up against what is wrong in America.  It is a voice of integrity, a voice that seeks to protect defenseless children, a voice that calls for freedom of choice and free markets in healthcare, a voice that calls for America to rally against an American democracy that has morphed into fascism (industry control over government).  That raspy voice is that of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  (I say raspy because Mr. Kennedy has spasmodic dysphonia, spasms in the muscles in his voice box that interrupt his speech).

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  • Vaccination: Be Sure You Are Right And Then Go Ahead

    Posted December 4, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Just In Case You Are Thinking Of Vaccinating With An RNA/SPIKE PROTEIN Vaccine, Here Is A List Of Potential Side Effects

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  • How To Survive COVID-19 When Your RNA Vaccine Fails Or Backfires

    Posted March 24, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    In the war against COVID-19, the most experimental of all vaccines, RNA inoculum in place of pathogenic bacteria or viruses, were introduced first and thrust upon military and healthcare workers, as well as the most vulnerable (elderly, African Americans) who are also the least likely to benefit and most likely to experience severe side effects, turning humanity into one giant global guinea pig lab.

    When the race to gain licensure for vaccines by the Food & Drug Administration began, health authorities said they expected four of the first seven vaccines to fail.  Confusingly, RNA vaccines are also said to be 95% effective.

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  • The Big Coronavirus Testing Con Job

    Posted July 14, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    Summer 2020 comes.  The coronavirus cycle, which runs from November to April, follows the Summer solstice where the northern hemisphere tilts back towards the sun, and the resultant increased solar UV intensity increases sunshine vitamin D levels among those Americans who brave the outdoors in the midst of lockdown orders.  That should normally quell the winter cold season till next fall.

    The common cold coronavirus cycle runs from December through the end of April.

    Table: Coronavirus cycle

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  • Modern Medicine Attempts To Closet Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Forgo Targeted Therapy Of High-Risk Groups In Setup For Mass Vaccination

    Posted May 8, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    The American Death Care Industry is giving the vaccine companies all the fear needed to create panic demand for a rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccine that will be assuredly safe (for healthy adults) but still be a killer (for the millions of diabetic, obese, nursing home, African-American, autoimmune Americans who don’t readily produce antibodies).

    In fact, Chicago officials say they have already purchased the syringes and spotted locations for vaccination stations (video taken down).

    As if Americans aren’t catching on this pandemic was pre-planned from the beginning (see CDC advertisement for quarantine managers in November of 2019).

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  • The Molecule for Our Times

    Posted April 27, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    Just When The Locked-Down World Is About To Go Stir Crazy, A Rice Bran Molecule Helps Rescue Those With Panic Disorder, Anxiety & Depression And May Even Avert Sick Patients Being Placed On Ventilators

    Politicians have chosen to manage a widespread infectious lung disease, and in their attempts to gain political capital, brag they have an armada of ventilators at their disposal to rescue patients battling severe cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection. But an increasing number of reports suggest ventilators are “death traps” that may do more harm than good. Up to 80% of COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators fail to recover.

    Mechanical ventilation has the potential to worsen pre-existing lung injury or even initiate it. By overstretching the lung mechanical ventilation may result in lung injury.

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  • Modern Medicine Knew Of Zinc Cure For Coronavirus Infections A Decade Ago But Failed To Put Into Practice

    Posted April 6, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    The long-standing bias against natural over patentable synthetic molecules in the practice of medicine has now resulted in the avoidable premature death of thousands of the most vulnerable individuals and the abrupt and near-complete economic collapse of modern society due to an unwarranted over-response by health authorities, political overseers and sensationalist news media.

    The narrow and archaic vaccine-only paradigm to treat infectious diseases has left human populations vulnerable to a highly transmissible and potentially pathogenic virus with no approved drugs or vaccines in place.

    Unprepared public health authorities should all have resigned by now.  Instead, they wield unelected power as they mandate countermeasures such as indoor quarantine that will further deprive the sunlight-deprived masses in the northern hemisphere of the natural vitamin D needed to prevent this seasonal infectious disease.

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  • Americans will have to Cure the Coronavirus Epidemic on Their Own.

    Posted March 31, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    It is difficult to believe public health authorities are doing all that can be done to prevent disease, save lives and promote health. That is because what is obvious, what is essentially free (sunshine vitamin D), and what is logical, is not being done.

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is a one-trick pony – – vaccination. Inject a little bit of a disease into people under the presumption all will develop antibodies against infectious diseases. Everyone on the planet is expected to hold their breath, metaphorically speaking, and wait for a future vaccine that will, by my predictions, end up hospitalizing many and leading hundreds of thousands of high-risk individuals (diabetics, smokers, drinkers, the frail elderly) to their early demise because these are the people who do not develop sufficient antibodies following vaccination.

    I penned a prior report, extrapolating from published flu studies, which predicts that 6/10ths-to-1.3% serious side effects after mandated coronavirus vaccination among the nation’s 72.6 million senior adults would hospitalize 435,000-943,000 and a subsequent 1.4% mortality rate would then result in 54,202-111,493 deaths.

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  • Why I Want To Be Infected With The COVID-19 Coronavirus And You Should Too

    Posted February 26, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    Oh, you’re saying I must be crazy.  Who would want to intentionally get infected with the allegedly deadly COVID-19 corona virus that is now causing human populations to mindlessly cancel airline reservations, cause health officials to quarantine vacationers on ocean liners, has caused stock markets to crash and has emptied Chinese restaurants around the globe?

    Thousands of people in South Korea line up to get face masks. (You can make your own at home with a paper towel and rubber bands, but they are only presumed to be effectiveSurgical masks reduce aerosol viruses by 6-fold but live viruses are still detected in the air.  Only a N95-respirator reduces airborne flu particles by 100-fold).

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