Posted October 9, 2015: by Bill Sardi
At a 1999 conclave, executives of the nation’s biggest food companies walked out on a meeting that attempted to get them to share some of the responsibility for the then growing diabesity epidemic. [New York Times Feb 20, 2013] With sugarized bacon, ketchup, peanut butter, wrapped meats, salad dressings and processed foods dominating grocery store shelves, shockingly half the nation now is diabetic or pre-diabetic. [LA Times Sept 8, 2015; Journal American Medical Assn. Sept 8, 2015]
Pre-diabetes means that your blood sugar level is higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as adult-onset (type II) diabetes and you have not developed symptoms yet (eyes, kidneys, heart, pancreas). You are more likely to develop full-blown diabetes within 2 to 10 years. [Mayo Clinic]
Not thinking they went to medical school to prescribe diets, doctors generally treat diabetes as if it were a drug deficiency. Treatment options posed by the American Diabetes Association are all pharmaceuticals. [American Diabetes Assn.]
All anti-diabetic drugs, save for metformin (Glucophage), induce weight gain, a risk factor for diabetes. [American Family Physician May 1, 2001] No problem. One published report brushes this fact aside and says diabetics can take a weight-neutral drug along with one that induces weight gain to control this problem. [Diabetes Spectrum July 2007]
There is a long list of side effects induced by anti-diabetic drugs. Some are life threatening. [Joslin Diabetes Center]
It is common for diabetics to experience frequent urination. Elevated blood sugar has diuretic action induces frequent urination which results in loss of nutrients. Yet replacement of lost nutrients is not the mainstay of diabetic therapy.
More than 50% of diabetics take dietary supplements, but most are unguided. [Diabetic Educator 2011] Even dietitians look at dietary supplements with disdain when it comes to diabetes. One prominent dietitian says she doesn’t recommend over-the-counter supplements for fear of possible drug contraindications.
She says: “I’d never advise anyone to take extra magnesium or to use a supplement-level doses of herbal remedies that claim to lower blood sugar.” [Todays Dietitian Nov 2011] Yet, as you will learn below, supplemental magnesium is critical for diabetics.
Phyto-phobic physicians themselves issue caution over dietary supplements interfering with anti-diabetic drugs even though vitamins and minerals are essential for life. It may be the drugs that are interfering with nutrients. [Advances Clinical Experimental Medicine Nov 2014]
While not supplanting a healthy diet, dietary supplements may be of critical assistance in delaying or altogether preventing pre-diabetes from becoming overt diabetes. Insulin resistance, decreased beta-cell mass and elevated blood sugar are the defining characteristics of adult onset diabetes.
Insulin resistance may not progress to overt diabetes unless beta cells are unable to secrete an adequate amount of insulin to compensate for decreased insulin sensitivity. Various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbals may help. [Current Diabetes Reports Oct 2015]
In development of a list of supplemental nutrients for diabetics, essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and D should be given priority over herbal or other supplements. While there are many herbal supplements that are touted for sugar control (among them cinnamon, Gymnema sylvestre, and many others), it is important to first utilize essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals) in a daily dietary supplement regimen for diabetics.
The top three vitamins I recommend for diabetics are vitamin C, D and B1. The top two minerals are zinc and magnesium. The top herbal supplements are resveratrol, cinnamon, Gymnema and Boswellia. Natural iron chelators are also potentially helpful, even curative. Here is the scientific rationale for their use.
Low magnesium blood levels are common among adults with diabetes. [Journal College Physicians Surgery Pakistan Nov 2014]
Magnesium has been proposed as a public health strategy against diabetes. Diabetics are commonly deficient in magnesium. Insulin and glucose regulate magnesium and visa versa.
Low dietary intake of magnesium or increased excretion of magnesium due to diuretic use, are the most common causes of magnesium deficiency. [World Journal Diabetes Aug 2015; Journal Renal Injury Prevention 2014]
There is considerable evidence that diligent magnesium supplementation may delay the progression from impaired blood sugar (glucose) regulation to adult-onset diabetes. [Diabetes Obesity Metabolism Sept 2015]
Blood serum magnesium levels decline as blood sugar levels rise. The hemoglobin A1c blood test, a measure of long-term blood sugar status, rises as serum magnesium levels decline. [Diabetes Metabolism Syndrome Jan 2015]
In one study, just 100 mg increase of supplemental or dietary magnesium was associated with a 16% risk reduction for diabetes. [Biomedical Environmental Science July 2015]
In another study, 382 mg of supplemental magnesium taken over a 4-month period resulted in 50.8% of supplemented patients improving their blood glucose levels compared to just 7.0% taking an inactive placebo. [Diabetic Metabolism June 2015]
In one study of 54 diabetic patients, 300 milligrams of supplemental daily magnesium improved blood sugar (glucose) levels. [Medical Journal Islam Republic Iran July 2014]
One of the biological actions of metformin, a commonly prescribed anti-diabetic drug, is it raises magnesium levels. [Biology Trace Element Research July 2011]
An overlooked fact is that iron overload induces insulin resistance, that is, the inability of insulin to get into cells and generate energy.
There is a blood test that is not part of a regular blood panel that measures iron load in the body. It is called a ferritin test. Transferrin is another test that measures iron transport. Elevated transferrin and ferritin are believed to be underlying causes of high blood sugar (glucose) and insulin resistance. [European Journal Endocrinology Aug 20, 2015]
Very few diabetics are aware of the need to measure iron storage in the body. Men begin to accumulate iron in their body earlier than females who control iron load by monthly menstruation.
Men tend to have a greater risk to develop diabetes as indicated by a high ferritin level. [British Journal Nutrition Dec 14, 2014]
Males accumulate 1 milligram of excess iron per day of life after they are fully grown. By middle age, around age 40 years, males will have double the iron load of an equally-aged female and experience double the risk for diabetes.
Iron from plant foods is absorbed on an as needed basis. Iron from meat is absorbed whether it is needed or not. The consumption of red meat, which provides the most easily absorbed iron of any food source, is associated with adult-onset diabetes. [American Journal Clinical Nutrition June 2015] High ferritin levels, as determined by a blood test for the amount of iron stored in the body, correlates with the onset of diabetes. [Advances Biomedical Research March 2015] Insulin resistance occurs when ferritin (iron storage) levels rise. [Journal Pakistan Medical Assn. Dec 2014; Diabetologia March 2015] In fact, elevated ferritin levels predict future onset of insulin resistance. [Diabetes Research Clinical Practice Jan 2015; Acta Diabetology April 2015]
Ferritin levels should be between 20-70 to maintain health. [Journal Internal Medicine Sept 2010]
Ferritin levels control hemoglobin A1c. [Acta Diabetology Dec 2014]
There are various ways to control iron or reduce iron load in the body. One is to limit meat intake, particularly red meat. Another is to utilize natural iron chelators in dietary supplements such as rice bran IP6 or quercetin.
Blood letting or blood donation reduces iron load and improves insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion from the pancreas. [Diabetes Care March 2008; Diabetes April 2002]
Elevated copper levels are also associated with loss of blood sugar control and onset of diabetes in adults. [Endocrinology Journal 2013]
The use of a copper chelator (key-lay-tor) to bind to excess unbound copper in the body has been shown to help reduce insulin resistance and control blood sugar. [Endocrinology Journal 2009]
Copper and zinc balance each other.
Low blood levels of zinc are associated with higher blood sugar (glucose) and greater insulin resistance. [Diabetes Metabolism April 20, 2015]
In one study those participants who had the highest blood levels of zinc were 50% less likely to develop diabetes. The mechanism is believed to be zinc’s ability to compete with iron. [BMC Endocrinological Disorders Oct 4, 2013]
Zinc actually exhibits insulin-like qualities. Zinc deficiency is common among diabetics. Researchers say: “Theoretically zinc supplementation should prevent the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and diabetic complications.” [Frontiers Medicine March 2013]
Zinc supplementation exhibits a significant though modest ability to reduce blood sugar levels. [Journal Trace Elements Medicine Biology April 2013] A review of 25 published studies involving zinc supplementation convincingly shows this trace mineral has profound effects on the control of this disease. [Diabetology Metabolic Syndrome April 19, 2012]
Diabetics are typically thiamin deficient. [International Journal Clinical Practice June 2011]
In one study 100 milligrams of thiamin taken 3 times a day resulted in a significant decrease in blood sugar (glucose). [European Journal Nutrition Oct 2013]
In experimental studies thiamin produces remarkable reversals of conditions like urinary frequency, cholesterol imbalance and aids in the disposal of undesirable triosephosphates that produce diabetic complications in the eyes, nerves, heart and kidneys. [Current Diabetes Review Aug 2005; Journal Biochemistry April 2001; Circulation Heart Failure March 2010]
Thiamin even prevents early-stage kidney disease typically seen among diabetics. [Diabetes Obesity Metabolism July 2011]
High-dose thiamin (300 mg/day) has been shown to normalize blood pressure among diabetics. [Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome April 29, 2015]
Diuretics, frequently prescribed for diabetics with high blood pressure, can result in increased urinary loss of vitamin B1, a diuretic effect that is often forgotten. Vitamin B1 deficiency may result in heart failure, which is typically seen among diabetics. While potassium is often supplemented to make up for mineral losses when taking diuretics, thiamin should also be replaced. [Praxis May 2004]
Thiamin helps to avert the major complications of diabetes: cardiomyopathy (heart failure); retinopathy (leakage of blood vessels at the back of the eyes; nephropathy (leakage of protein from urine and kidney failure); and neuropathy (nerve degeneration experienced as numbness and pain). [Journal Clinical Medical Research June 2012; Graefes Archives Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology Oct 2012]
Diabetics have at least a 30% lower circulating vitamin C blood concentration than healthy adults. [Nutrition Reviews July 1996]
Five-hundred milligrams of vitamin C taken twice daily improves many measures of health among diabetics. [Journal American College Nutrition Aug 1995]
Supplemental vitamin C, 2000 mg/day, has been shown to have many beneficial effects upon blood sugar control. [Annals Nutrition Metabolism 1995]
Supplemental vitamin C helps to reduce fasting blood sugar levels and long-term blood sugar levels (hemoglobin A1c) and normalizes vitamin C levels which are typically low among diabetics. [Journal Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Science Oct 2014; Advances Pharmacological Science 2011]
Vitamin C supplementation, 1000-3000 mg/day, has a positive effect over blood sugar and antioxidant status among diabetics. [Journal Korean Academy Nursing April 2003]
Five-hundred milligrams of vitamin C/day has been shown to reduce blood pressure among adult diabetics. [Hypertension Dec 2002]
Diabetics with retinal problems within 1 year of initial diagnosis of diabetes exhibit a much lower vitamin C blood concentrations than diabetics who develop retinal problems 7-17 years following initial detection. [Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin April 1992]
Available published reports suggest supplemental vitamin D may reduce the burden of diabetes. [Diabetes Research Clinical Practice May 2015]
Vitamin D exhibits preventive and therapeutic action against metabolic syndrome (a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, a high blood sugar level, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels).
In one study those individuals who took vitamin D supplements experienced decreased incidence of metabolic syndrome that correlated with increasing levels of vitamin D. Those individuals with increasing blood levels of vitamin D experienced a 24%, 36% and 44% reduction in metabolic syndrome. [Nutrients Aug 28, 2015]
In a 6-month study, 4000 units of vitamin D given to 30 diabetic patients significantly reduced their insulin levels and long-term blood sugar control (hemoglobin A1c). [Iranian Journal Public Health Dec 2014]
It seems that vitamin D supplementation appears to slow the progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes. [Indian Journal Endocrinology Metabolism May 2015]
Vitamin D supplementation has been demonstrated to improve symptoms of nerve pain (neuropathy) associated with diabetes. [Medical Principles Practice 2015]
Researchers say the least that can be done is ensure that diabetics are not deficient in vitamin D given the growing body of evidence of its health benefits and evidence from animal studies that vitamin D deficiency results in a higher prevalence of diabetes. [Diabetes Research Clinical Practice My 2015]
While many herbals are touted for control of diabetes, four stand out and should be considered; cinnamon, resveratrol, and two lesser- known East Indian herbals, boswellia and gymnema sylvestre.
Surprisingly, a lab dish analysis of resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trol), known as a red wine molecule, demonstrated that the molecule completely substitutes for insulin. [International Journal Biochemistry Cell Biology March 2015]
The underlying biological mechanisms of resveratrol in regard to diabetes have been reported. [Review Diabetes Studies Winter 2013]
A review of 11 published human studies reveals resveratrol significantly reduced fasting glucose, insulin, oxidized (glycated) hemoglobin, and insulin resistance levels in diabetes. No significant effect of resveratrol on glycemic measures of non-diabetic participants was found in the meta-analysis, meaning resveratrol does not lower blood sugar in healthy individuals, that is, it does not induce hypoglycemia. [American Journal Clinical Nutrition June 2014]
The failure of resveratrol to produce positive effects on sugar control and insulin sensitivity in some studies could be explained by excessive dose (1500 mg/day). [Diabetes April 2013] A more modest dose (250 mg/day) significantly improved long-term blood sugar control (hemoglobin A1c) and blood pressure among diabetic adults. [Nutrition Research July 2012]
In a study of adults with diabetes and fatty liver disease, resveratrol supplementation reduced insulin resistance, blood sugar (glucose) and lowered abnormally elevated liver enzymes. [Digestion Liver Disease March 2015]
Finally, the primary biological action of the anti-diabetic drug metformin is to raise a cell energy sensing molecule called AMPK. A modest dose of resveratrol has been shown to raise AMPK levels 50-200 better than metformin. [Diabetes Aug 2006]
Cinnamon is now widely touted and consumed by diabetics.
Its use by diabetics is not without scientific backing.
For example, a study of 109 adults with poorly-controlled diabetes (average hemoglobin A1c level was 8.4%), those who received a 1 gram (1000 mg) of encapsulated cinnamon daily for 90 days saw A1c levels fall by 0.83% compared with 0.37% for standard care. [Journal Medicinal Food 2011]
However, some published studies using cinnamon have produced equivocal results. [Journal Traditional Complementary Medicine July 2013]
An analysis of 10 published studies that employed varying doses of cinnamon (120-6000 mg/day) reduced fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides but had no significant effect upon long-term blood sugar control (hemoglobin A1c). [American Family Physician Sept 2013]
Insufficient evidence is the criticism often heard over the use of cinnamon by diabetics. [Cochrane Database Systematic Review Sept 2012] Yet there is no impetus in the research community to conduct conclusive studies.
There is question over whether the type of cinnamon consumed or dosage explain its mixed results in human clinical studies.
Both species of cinnamon, Cinnamomum aromaticum (Cassia) and Cinnamomum zeylanicum have been shown to be beneficial in regard to diabetic control. [International Journal Food Science Nutrition May 2012] As of 2012 cinnamon as cinnamomum zeylanicum had been demonstrated to produce beneficial effects in animals but not humans. [Diabetic Medicine Dec 2012]
Cinnamon (Cassia) powder, 1500 mg/day, did not exhibit significant difference from an inactive placebo in reduction of fasting plasma glucose. [Journal Medical Assn. Thailand Sept 2006]
One study utilized a purified cinnamon extract dosed at 1000 mg three times a day which produced a three times greater reduction (10.3% versus 3.4%) in fasting plasma glucose. But if this extract was so potent, why was 3000 mg needed? [European Journal Clinical Investigation May 2006]
Dosage may control effectiveness. A 40-day study of adult diabetics showed that 1000 mg, 3000 mg or 6000 mg of cinnamon reduced fasting serum glucose 18-29%, triglycerides 23-30% and LDL cholesterol 7-27% and total cholesterol 12-26% (effective as statin drugs). [Diabetes Care Dec 2003]
In another study a concentrated cinnamon extract dosed at 500 mg/day produced a modest 8.4% reduction in fasting blood sugar. [Journal International Society Sports Nutrition Dec 2006]
Cinnamon powder is different than cinnamon extract. Cinnamon intake, either as whole cinnamon or as cinnamon extract, results in a statistically significant lowering in fasting blood glucose. [Journal Medicinal Food Sept 2011]
The primary active ingredient in cinnamon is cinnamaldehyde. In animals, at a human equivalent dose of 1400 mg (160-lb human) blood plasma glucose declined 63%. Cinnamaldehyde was equivalent to the action of the anti-diabetic drug glyburide (Micronase, DiaBeta). [Phytomedicine Jan 2004]
Cinnamon oil is 98% cinnamonaldehyde and is apparently the most potent form of cinnamon to use. [Planta Medica March 2010]
Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood pressure by as much as -5.39 systolic/-2.6 diastolic pressure. [Nutrition Oct 2013]
Despite cinnamon’s largely favorable effect among diabetics, researchers are quick to warn physicians away from supplanting standard drug therapy with cinnamon. [Pharmacotherapy April 2007]
While studies involving cinnamon are confusing and do not presently define the effective dosage range, cinnamon should be considered a natural herbal remedy for diabetes and pre-diabetes. Apparently cinnamon oil would be equivalent to available anti-diabetic drugs. Cinnamon oil can be purchased economically. []
Two East Indian herbals are frequently recommended for diabetes: Boswellia serrata (frankincense) and Gymnema sylvestre .
There is scant evidence of Boswellia’s effectiveness but the results in limited animal and human studies are striking. [Phytomedicine Sept 15, 2011; Journal Diabetes Metabolic Disorders 2014]
Boswellia has been found to be effective in humans at a dose as low as 400 mg were found to be effective. [Jundishapur Journal Natural Pharmaceutical Products 2012]
Boswellia (307 mg) can be obtained economically ($9.13 for 60 tablets). []
There is more convincing evidence for the use of Gymnema and doses of 500 mg/day have been shown to be beneficial. [Journal Dietary Supplements Sept 2010; Diabetes Control Newsletter Oct 2001]
An excellent review paper suggests Gymnema may be a “panacea” for the management of diabetes. Given that Gymnema has anti-inflammatory properties, restores beta cell function in the pancreas to produce insulin and helps with weight control, a reviewer said: “there is no single oral anti-diabetic drug that presently exerts such a diverse range of effects.” [Journal Alternative Complimentary Medicine Nov 2007] Truly, Gymnema at least partially restores insulin secretion. [Journal Ethnopharmacology Oct 1990]
A 400 mg dose of Gymnema was shown to reduce blood sugar readings and 5 of 22 subjects were able to discontinue their drugs. [Journal Ethnopharmacology Oct 1990] A 450 mg Gymnema tablet only costs $8.63 for 120 tablets. []
Given the many drawbacks of anti-diabetic drugs and the generally safe history of these herbals, it is tempting to advise diabetics to try them.
The list of dietary supplements presented in this report is certainly not inclusive of all of the beneficial nutrients for diabetics. For example, nutritional supplements containing zeaxanthin, lutein, lipoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients have been shown to reduce the risk of retinopathy in experimentally induced diabetes in animals. [Nutrition Metabolism Jan 30, 2014]
Lipoic acid helps overcome the adverse effects of dietary fructose consumption. [American Journal Physiology Regulation Integrated Comprehensive Physiology May 2010] Lipoic acid allays diabetic nerve pain (neuropathy) and kidney failure (nephropathy). [Diabetes Educator Jan 2007; Journal American Social Nephrology Jan 2001]
The diet must be emphasized since diabetes is a diet-induced disease.
Recently published science points to high carbohydrate diets as the primary culprit in the onset of diabetes and pre-diabetes.
Low-fat diets fail to improve health risks and carbohydrate restriction (bread, rice, pasta, cereal) reliably reduces blood sugar (glucose) and reduces the need for medication. Coupled with the fact that current recommendations to control the diabesity epidemic have been met with failure, a re-direction is needed.
Even a modest reduction in carbohydrate intake (from 53% to 33%) has been shown to reduce weight and insulin levels. [Journal Diabetes Complications Sept 2015]
Carbohydrate reduction accounts for 71% of the reduction in glucose achieved by short-time fasting. [Metabolism Feb 2015]
Convincing supportive evidence for a carbohydrate restricted diet are as follows:
The call is for dietary carbohydrate restriction to be the first approach in diabetic management. [Nutrition Jan 2015]
A Harvard-based expert says 90% of diabetes can be avoided by diet and other healthy lifestyle habits. [Harvard] A review of the published literature suggests a Mediterranean diet would reduce the probability of remission from metabolic syndrome by 49%. [British Medical Journal Aug 10, 2015]
The long-dreaded cholesterol-rich egg is not associated with an increase in the risk for adult-onset diabetes. [British Journal Nutrition Sept 2015]
The prevailing dietary advice from modern medicine over the past few decades has been to reduce fat intake and replace calories with carbohydrates without recognition that carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body.
It is indeed refreshing to hear that British physician David Unwin learned from an online forum that a group of diabetics who employed a diet with plentiful amounts of meat, milk, butter, cream and lard were more successful in overcoming metabolic syndrome than a low-fat diet dietitians and doctors commonly recommend.
Dr. Unwin broke from the advice to consume whole grain bread, pasta and rice. As he says it: “Bread should be recognized as a concentrated sugar with a higher glycemic index than sugar itself.”
Dr. Unwin began to advise newly diagnosed diabetics to adopt a high-fat diet. The results, published in the journal of Practical Diabetes, were called “astonishing” – with average weight loss of almost 20 lbs., a reduction in waist circumference of 6 inches and only 2 of 19 patients had an abnormal hemoglobin A1c, a measure of long-term blood sugar control. Simultaneously, blood pressure improved (systolic 148 to 133; and diastolic 91 to 83 mmHg). Elevated liver enzymes (gamma-glutamyltransferase) fell dramatically (75.2 to 40.6). Total cholesterol on average fell from 212 to 181. More remarkably, 7 of 19 patients no longer needed medication.
So much for physicians taking the lead from published science. A patient-led revolution took place. Big Pharma take note. [Telegraph UK Nov 24, 2014; Practical Diabetes March 2014]
More recently, the British Medical Journal chose to publish a case report submitted by Dr. Unwin of a patient with adult-onset diabetes (Type II) who was able to come of all his medications (metformin, statin drug, aspirin and ACE inhibitor) with adoption of a low carbohydrate diet.
Disturbingly, most medical guidelines in the UK do not recommend the diet. Dr. Sarah Hallberg advises diabetics to ignore the guidelines and eat low-carb, high-fat foods. [Diabetes Blog UK] “Carbohydrate intake is the single biggest factor in blood sugar levels and therefore the need for medication,” says Dr. Hallberg. By following current dietary guidelines “we are essentially recommending that they eat exactly what’s causing their problem” she adds. [Diabetes Blog UK] Listen and watch Dr. Hallberg talk about low-carbohydrate diets. [TED Talk]
In a landmark study, researchers now report a low-carbohydrate diet is more effective for weight loss and cardiovascular risk reduction than a low-fat diet. [Annals Internal Medicine 2014]
Commenting in The Daily Mail, a UK-based publication, Dr Aseem Malhotra, consultant clinical associate to the Academy of Royal Colleges, challenges health authorities to explain why it continues to recommend “carbohydrates known to promote fat storage and hunger” to overweight adults with metabolic syndrome.
He said: ‘Given that type 2 diabetes is a condition related to an intolerance to metabolize carbohydrates, it is puzzling why Diabetes UK recommends as part of a ‘healthy balanced diet’ the consumption of plenty of starchy carbohydrates and modest amounts of sugary food and drinks including cakes and biscuits.”
The case of a patient in the UK with newly diagnosed diabetes who received no dietary advice whatsoever has been published. The patient comments that the nurse who administered his first insulin injection calculated the dose to include a sweet tart he usually ate with his evening meal in the calculation to determine how much insulin he needed. “That effectively meant that I had to eat it – or I risked having a hypo (when blood sugar becomes dangerously low). It was like hitting my head with a hammer and then taking painkillers for the pain.” [Daily Mail UK Sept 7, 2015]
It is clear that modern-day physicians treat diabetes as if it were a drug deficiency. There is obvious need to control a diet-induced disease with a diet plan and to utilize nutrients rather than synthetic drugs to control diabetes. If patients adhered to low-carbohydrate diets and took dietary supplements it is obvious they would require less doctoring and drugs.
It is total folly to take drugs or dietary supplements while ignoring the diet. The current approach of treating diabetes with drugs or supplements while ignoring diet is like lighting matches and continually needing to use fire extinguishers.
A diet with no added sugars and low in carbohydrates + dietary supplements should help reduce or entirely avert the need for problematic anti-diabetic drugs and slow or halt the progression from pre-diabetes to overt diabetes.
It is clear the doctor community is aware of the need for more medications with high carbohydrate diets. The Food & Drug Administration’s nutrition guidance committee that is re-evaluating dietary guidelines is now under criticism for disregard for the current science. Conflicts of interest by parties and organizations involved in the issuance of new guidelines suggests the physician community, often influenced by dollars from pharmaceutical companies, is gaming the U.S. population to be dependent upon drugs and doctoring. [British Medical Journal]
The fact this criticism comes from an overseas publication suggests additional collusion by U.S. medical and news publishers with the medical industry. Only after the British Medical Journal raised the alarm did U.S.-based news sources pursue this issue. The low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet archived into food policy in 1980 has spawned the diabesity epidemic. [Time Magazine]
The U.S. population is essentially being treated like a bunch of guinea pigs that are misdirected and even coerced by the prevalent availability of high-carbohydrate, low-fat foods in grocery stores to become dependent upon doctoring and synthetic drugs for survival. “Let them eat butter” rather than cake is the new cry for lean healthy bodies.
Added note: Think you don’t have diabetes or pre-diabetes? Think again. Dr. Joseph Kraft makes us aware the commonly used fasting glucose blood test does not accurately detect diabetes. Dr. Kraft found only 7% of adults with a normal fasting blood sugar reading had a normal insulin response. Therefore, about 93% of adults will experience a false sense of security because they have an undetected condition, high insulin levels / insulin resistance that is now linked to an umbrella of diseases (Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, heart failure, kidney failure and diabetic problems in the eyes). The Kraft insulin assay detects diabetes 10 years prior to onset of disease symptoms or the pre-diabetes state. [;; Townsend Letter for Doctors] — ©2015 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.
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