• Did the H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Emanate From a Herd of Rhinoceros?

    Posted February 1, 2010: by Bill Sardi

    With all of the disinformation surrounding this year’s flu season, one might was well have spread a false rumor that the flu virus that sparked the recent worldwide flu pandemic emanated from a herd of rhinoceros’. For it turns out the so-called pandemic swine flu in circulation did not emanate from herds of swine in Mexico, as alleged, as far more Americans were stricken with illness caused by a “common cold” rhinovirus than Type A H1N1 influenza. (Rhinovirus is derived from the Greek word “rhin,” which means nose, not rhinoceros.) Swine herds actually acquired the H1N1 pandemic flu virus from humans!


    Far more Americans fell ill from rhinoviruses than the H1N1 pandemic flu virus

    So far, only about 20% of reported upper respiratory illness this season has been attributed to flu viruses, which means about 80% had something else.

    Vira-Cor, which tests samples of severely ill children across the country, reported that 28% of tests were positive for rhinovirus between April and December of 2009. Rhinoviruses prevailed in 39.5% of children under age 3, 23% of children age 11—18 years, and less than 20% of adults. Small percentages of Americans were stricken with other viruses (adenovirus, parainfluenza and metapneumovirus).

    What this means is that most people came down with the common cold, not the flu. Out of a population of 310 million, an estimated 55 million (~18%) were stricken with the H1N1 pandemic flu. Three years ago this writer predicted, in future flu outbreaks, in order to push vaccines upon the public, that derelict health authorities would intentionally confuse the public into thinking a pandemic was underway based upon symptoms caused by the common cold, not the flu.

    Among influenza viruses, Type A triple reassortant H1N1 pandemic strain dominated, and for unknown reasons, the seasonal flu vanished. Yet the Centers For Disease Control still continues to suggest vaccination against both H1N1 pandemic strain and seasonal flu.

    Vaccine Poster

    The CDC prioritized pregnant women for flu shots,
    but there were no safety studies performed in this group

    What a flu season

    As I write this report in late January of 2010, according to projections, the flu should have shut down airports, paralyzed world economies, killed hundreds of thousands if not millions, and caused hospitals to construct tents with respirators to handle the overflow in an effort to save many more. Of course, none of this happened. Health authorities were relying upon “worst-case” scenarios. This has made the public wonder if public health authorities didn’t “cry wolf” and declare a false flu pandemic just to drum up business for vaccine makers. World Health Organization (WHO) officials have flatly denied these allegations.

    It became a flu season characterized by a flu virus of questionable origin, fear over forced vaccination, concern about vaccine safety (especially additives called adjuvants), first-time administration of flu shots in schools, airports and the workplace, TV and billboard advertising to promote vaccination, unprecedented profits by vaccine makers, a highly questionable declaration of a flu emergency by the President (issued when flu vaccination rates slumped), and finally, failure to deliver the H1N1 vaccine on time, in what turned out to be the mildest flu pandemic on record.

    The contrived “swine origin” of this flu backfired as Americans recalled the nightmare of a swine flu vaccination program in the 1970s which left many Americans paralyzed from Guillain Barre syndrome and a flu epidemic that never materialized. Whoever engineered this year’s flu virus and drew up plans to frighten the public into submitting to vaccination, did a terrific job of creating greater fear over the vaccine itself, rather than the virus.

    Vaccine orders cancelled

    One European health minister claims authorities spent money unnecessarily on stockpiles of H1N1 vaccines, orders for which are now being cancelled by France, Germany and other countries.

    By early January, the US is reported to have paid for over 251 million doses of bulk vaccine from five manufacturers, but it appears only about 60 million Americans actually opted for the flu shot, far less than the number vaccinated in a typical recent flu season (~100 million). It is not known if the US paid for 800,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine which were found to be impotent.


    President Obama declared a swine flu emergency in October 2009 when vaccination rates began to lag behind efforts to inoculate the entire population.

    Boo at WHO

    WHO also has not taken appropriate action to track down the true origin of the triple reassortant H1N1 flu virus. “Patient zero,” 5-year-old Edgar Hernandez, was the only documented case in a village of 3000 in Mexico, which would hardly explain how the virus made it around the world. Experts in Australia continue to demand that the origin of this flu be investigated, but WHO continues to ignore their plea.

    WHO also said nothing about the Cochrane Collaborative Group report which showed Tamiflu, the oral anti-viral drug, to be nearly useless in fighting flu symptoms. Why WHO and governments aren’t demanding their money back on millions of doses of ineffective pills to treat the flu goes unexplained.

    As plans to fight this triple-reassortant flu virus were implemented, it appeared the tardy delivery of flu vaccine may have been pre-planned in an attempt to draw down aging stocks of anti-viral drugs like Tamiflu, which governments were holding in inventory. Furthermore, a delay in care could have resulted in more deaths, which would have frightened more Americans into vaccination.

    When Americans didn’t dutifully line up for flu shots, the idea of creating a false scarcity to drive up demand was aired at a flu symposium sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Collusion confirmed

    While the World Health Organization has flatly denied allegations that the swine flu epidemic was faked and that it colluded with vaccine manufacturers, there is evidence that this world flu pandemic was pre-planned, as far back as 2006, when the first contracts for this season’s flu vaccine were signed, contingent upon WHO declaring a pandemic and implementing plans to inoculate a large part of the world population.

    WHO then altered its definition of pandemic, which was previously determined by the combination of geographical spread and significant death. The “highly deadly” requirement was eliminated, meaning the flu only needed to be widely spread to declare the first flu pandemic of this century. Contracts for vaccine were labeled “secret defense” and government was forbidden to make safety data available to the public.

    Margaret Chan

    Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, said her busy travel schedule prevented her from getting her flu shot till late December of 2009. She only submitted to vaccination after news reporters inquired about her vaccination status.

    Other miscues

    In this most unusual flu season, there were many other miscues and revelations, which included:

    • Admission by the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) that she hadn’t been vaccinated until December 30th, 2009, while WHO had issued bulletins of a potentially life-threatening flu virus starting in April.
    • There were an unprecedented number of instances where pediatricians threatened to abandon care of patients who refused vaccination. The American Academy of Pediatrics had to step in and suggest pediatricians try education rather than coercion.
    • Doctors undeniably have the greatest influence in swaying their patients to undergo vaccination. General practitioners in Britain were offered bonuses if large numbers of their patients signed up for swine flu shots. Doctors who vaccinate more than 90% of at-risk patients would be rewarded with 50% more reimbursement per shot.
    • People in Hawaii passed a resolution against forced vaccination.

    Celvapan vaccines

    Elites were given different flu vaccine: in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, her cabinet members and ministry and other civil servants were inoculated with Celvapan, which does not have aluminum, mercury or squalene adjuvants or preservatives, while the general public was given Pandemrix, with adjuvants and preservatives.

    • Ignoring ethical issues, the chief of a major vaccine manufacturer suggested, in the future, his company would de-prioritize any countries that try to cancel their contracts for flu vaccine.
    • For the first time, a whole country began investigating whether a vitamin might protect against the flu. The Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed it started investigation into the role vitamin D might play in protection against the flu. One published report even suggests vitamin D be made mandatory during the flu season.Also, for the first time, university-based researchers suggested health care workers who refuse to be vaccinated, at least be tested and treated for vitamin D deficiency.
    • A surprising revelation, that the millions of deaths that occurred during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were actually caused by the over-use of aspirin in that year, rather than by the flu itself, drew much attention.

    This writer then made a connection between aspirin-induced vitamin C depletion as the actual cause of these deaths. But no medical journal would publish my letters pleading for researchers to investigate a link between aspirin-induced vitamin C depletion and flu mortality, even though it is widely accepted that aspirin use during a flu bout can result in death.

    Of related interest, only recently have researchers realized that mice, commonly used in laboratory tests of flu vaccines, are not a good animal model for testing human flu viruses. Influenza virus is not efficiently transmitted from mouse to mouse, whereas it is easily transmitted from guinea pig to guinea pig. Guinea pigs are likely to replace mice in flu-related lab studies. Researchers completely overlook the fact that the guinea pig does not naturally synthesize vitamin C in its liver or kidneys as mice and most other animals do, and therefore may be more prone to flu viruses due to shortage of vitamin C. Humans are in the same predicament as guinea pigs, having lost their ability to synthesize vitamin C due to a gene mutation long ago.

    CDC office

    The CDC set up a war room to track the flu 24-7.

    • If we can believe government health authorities, the H1N1 pandemic flu vaccine was relatively safe, but was it effective?

    It appears some people received impotent flu shots. The dosage was found to be ineffective. Oh well, maybe better to inject sterile water and relieve public anxiety.

    Early in the flu season it was revealed that the low effectiveness rate of prior flu vaccination campaigns was due to insufficient antibody production and that two flu shots would be required. But then it became apparent Americans weren’t going to roll up their sleeves for two shots, so health authorities changed direction and said one shot would be adequate.

    But a study published in the British journal LANCET shows that in key school-age groups, 55% of infants aged 6—35 months and 31% of children 3—9 years of age, did not develop sufficient levels of antibodies after a single injection and that two doses would probably be needed in children younger than 9 years of age. This means millions of American children were vaccinated against the flu with no benefit and only the possibility of side effects.

    Many reports indicate, without added adjuvants, two doses of flu vaccine are required for a “robust antibody response.” Adjuvants like aluminum and squalene produce the local symptoms of swelling and pain experienced by more than half of subjects undergoing flu vaccination.

    Then there was a clinic that administered insulin instead of H1N1 flu vaccine. One wonders, with the temporary shortage of vaccine, if they just decided to inject insulin and make everybody happy.


    Initially public health authorities said the public should have confidence in the safety of flu vaccines — that the vaccines had undergone rigorous testing, then later claimed the vaccine industry is antiquated in an attempt to gain more research funds.

    Death figures challenged

    Americans finally found out how many people actually succumb to the flu. Citing government-issued figures, the news media blindly reports that 36,000 American die of the flu each year. Apparently the phony death figures are needed to prod people to get vaccinated.

    But it appears only about 5000—6000 deaths were attributed to the pandemic strain of the flu. Mortality figures were later manipulated by government and raised to about 10,000 deaths. Only The Washington Post finally got it correct, citing on paragraph 19 of their December 7, 2009 report, that “the 36,000 deaths blamed on a typical flu season include many that are actually caused by heat attacks, strokes, and other complications associated with the flu among the elderly and people with other health problems. Only about 9000 deaths are directly caused by the flu virus during a typical flu season.”

    The CDC kept igniting fear over the unusually high flu-related death rate among children this season. But The Times of India reports that more kids died of non-H1N1 viruses — among 571 hospital admissions for influenza-like illness, 13 deaths were attributed to swine flu while 32 deaths were due to other infections.

    Flu masks

    Flu prevention: masks and hand washing were promoted, but sunlight and vitamin D pills emerged for the first time as a way of boosting immunity against flu viruses. Hopefully, in the near future modern medicine will begin to treat influenza as a vitamin D deficiency rather than a vaccine deficiency.

    Americans go where angels fear to tread

    It is a wonder why so many millions of Americans continue to get vaccinated for the flu in light of obvious manipulation of the population by public health authorities. The news media continues to string along and disseminate government propaganda and to drum up business for vaccine makers.

    • In Randolph County, Virginia, “It’s not too late to get a flu shot” against the dreaded H1N1 flu virus, says the local paper there.
    • College students are just now beginning to line up for flu shots, says a report in the New York Times.
    • According to the Chicago Tribune, a woman came back from “the brink of death” after contracting swine flu.

    FLu, TB poster

    While world health agencies mounted an all-out assault against the H1N1 pandemic flu as 400 times more people died of another treatable infectious lung disease — tuberculosis.

    Count saved lives, not the number of vaccines administered

    Finally, let it be said that The World Health Organization, The Centers For Disease Control, and the entire infectious disease community strayed from their primary commission to save lives. While there were 1.13 daily deaths in Mexico, and 0.1 deaths in the rest of the world, from H1N1 pandemic-strain influenza, there were 493.1 daily deaths in Mexico from tuberculosis. Had the same amount of money and effort gone into anti-TB programs, many more lives would have been saved. The lure of greater research funds and the drama of fighting a worldwide flu pandemic may have caused infectious disease specialists to imagine the threat posed by H1N1 to be greater than it was.

    One gets the distinct impression The Centers For Disease Control, which claimed it was operating “24-7” to protect the American people from this flu pandemic, wants this flu virus to return with a vengeance, to vindicate itself.

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