• Will Big Pharma Ever Give Up On This Experimental Cholesterol Drug?

    Posted March 20, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    How many more negative studies before Big Pharma abandons research on a class of cholesterol altering drugs that has been nothing but problematic?

    Over 8 years ago a major pharmaceutical company’s foray into a new class of cholesterol drugs that raise HDL (high-density lipoprotein), the so-called good cholesterol that shuttles cholesterol from the arteries back to the liver, was terminated because raised the risk of heart problems and death. Over $800 million had been spent to research and develop this drug at that time. [Nature Reviews Drug Discovery March 2011]

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  • Alice In Cholesterol-Land

    Posted March 5, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    We are now living in the post-cholesterol era of modern medicine. Despite the dethronement of the 40+year paradigm that saturated fat consumption and elevated levels of circulating cholesterol are the primary causes of obesity and coronary artery disease, it is business as usual in the ranks of physicians.

    This was not a misdirection corrected by new evidence. It was a complete fabrication from its beginning as a recent review revealed there was no supporting scientific evidence for dietary fat and cholesterol guidelines issued in 1977 and 1983. [Open Heart Jan 29, 2015] Other sources have already noted that saturated fat primarily raises low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol but this blood fat does not significantly increase the risk for cardiovascular disease [Applied Physiology Nutrition Metabolism Dec 2014]

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  • Why I Don’t And Won’t Vaccinate My Child

    Posted January 13, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    In response to this email:

    In a message dated 1/9/2015 8:24:16 A.M.PST: I would like to hear your thoughts on the recent outbreak of measles. I find it interesting that while the majority of cases are among unvaccinated people, there are some patients who have been vaccinated. A few of these are adults. Interesting dilemma. I do remember measles cases when I was a child and I remember the patient (young child) ended up with very bad eyesight problems, which were laid at the feet of the disease. I have subsequently found many of the things I learned as fact were untrue (ignorance, I believe, not malice), but I have read measles can attack the eyes. When there is an outbreak of disease, it’s hard not to turn to vaccination.

    Reply: Vaccines are outdated “cowpox” technology.  The milk maids got cowpox from the cows and therefore doctors scratched the maids’ skin on their arms and rubbed kids abraded skin next to it and the kids got a mild form of the pox and developed antibodies against chicken pox.

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  • The Over-Commercialized State Of Modern Medicine

    Posted September 22, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    It was George Orwell who once said: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

    Which brings up the topic of medical propaganda. A great deal of what is reported in the news media concerning health, disease and medicine is rubbish driven by commercial interests.

    Take for example the widely broadcast announcement that actress Angelina Jolie elected to undergo a preventive double mastectomy after it was discovered she tested positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation that is associated with an increased risk for the disease.

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  • Doctor Says He Is Sick Of His Profession But For The Wrong Reasons

    Posted August 31, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    In an article entitled “Why Doctors Are Sick Of Their Profession” on the front page of The Wall Street Journal a heart doctor laments about his midlife disillusionment with the practice of medicine.  He’s even written a book about it: “Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician” (Farrar, Straus & Giroux publishers, 2014]Too much paperwork, too much bureaucracy, less and less financial reward, less sense of fulfillment, and fewer patients who hold doctors in high esteem. [TheWallStreetJournal.com Aug 29, 2014]

    Yes, the practice of medicine is challenging today.  Doctors of course are part of the problem.  They made themselves the cog in the wheel when they never addressed their lack of productivity.

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  • Why Do Physicians Mistakenly Claim There Are “No Good Treatments” For Diabetic Nerve Problems?

    Posted August 23, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    A noted overseas physician writes in The Lancet, a British medical journal, to ask: “Why are there no good treatments for diabetic neuropathy?”  (Neuropathy involves symptoms of numbness, tingling and pain from inflammation and nerve damage.)  [The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology August 2014] Diabetics frequently experience neuropathy in their peripheral nerves (legs, arms), their retina (retinopathy) and kidneys (nephropathy).

    The overseas physician’s point of view is believed to represent the typical ignorance or ambivalence towards dietary supplements that have been shown to prevent and treat diabetic neuropathy.

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  • Revelation Of High-Level Cover-Up Will Blow Lid Off Of Vaccine Fraud

    Posted : by Bill Sardi

    The lack of major news media coverage of possibly the biggest government whistleblower revelation since disclosure of the Tuskegee Experiment in 1972 [InfoPlease.com] suggests more than fraud at the highest levels of the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) as well as major vaccine makers, it suggests the nation’s news agencies are complicit in portraying a government view that there is no link between vaccination and the unexplained rise of autism.

    Only alternative news sources are covering the story so far which broke on August 8 when a Brian S Hooker, a Simpson University researcher published a report in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine was shown to increase the risk for autism 3.4 times among young black boys.  [Translational Neurodegeneration Aug 8, 2014]

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  • VITAMIN D: Public Shouldn’t Wait For Doctors To Usher In New “Golden Era” Of Preventive Medicine

    Posted August 16, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    A noted expert on the topic of vitamin D and public health is calling for universal vitamin D blood testing and widespread dietary supplementation to augment dietary and sunshine sources of this essential nutrient.  Adoption of these practices should not wait for further definitive studies in an effort to “rescue as many patients with vitamin D-related illness as we can during the interim and not wait for further clinical trials to end.”

    These are the words of Dr. Cedric F Garland, professor, Division of Epidemiology, University of California San Diego and were posted at Medscape.com in an article entitled “Vitamin D and mortality risk: should clinical practice change? [MedScape.com Aug 13, 2014]  MedScape is a website dedicated to educating doctors.

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  • Is Modern Medicine Hastening The Death Of Central Africans Stricken With The Ebola Virus?

    Posted July 29, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    An article published in The New York Times says villagers in the central African country of Guinea, the center of the current outbreak of Ebola virus, are quarantining their own populations and warning visiting doctors to stay away.  The people in Guinea are said to have more faith in witch doctors than physicians who come visiting from the international aid group Doctors Without Borders.  [New York Times July 27, 2014]

    There may be good reason to prohibit western doctors from entering into these vulnerable villages in central Africa.  The doctors come bearing unrecognized poisons in their effort to treat symptoms and save lives.  The backfire treatment is revealed upon scrutiny of a review article of treatments for Ebola published in 2012.  [PLoS ONE Dec 2012]

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  • Are Vitamin C Pills Worth Taking? Don’t Ask Your Doctor!

    Posted July 13, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    According to one self-proclaimed authority, vitamin C therapy is nothing but health quackery.  [Quackwatch.com] WebMD advises physicians that supplemental vitamin C is only marginally able to reduce symptoms and duration of the common cold.  But the primary study referred to employed just 200 milligrams of vitamin C, barely enough to marginally raise blood levels of this essential vitamin.  [WebMD June 20, 2012]

    None of this negative science discouraged laboratory researchers in China however.  They inoculated mice with influenza virus and then injected 3 milligrams of vitamin C per gram of body weight.  (Laboratory rats weigh about 300-500 grams.) [University of Wisconsin]  So these animals were injected with 900-1500 mg vitamin C.

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