• Mind Bending Drugs For Psycho Diets

    Posted September 10, 2017: by Bill Sardi

    There is such a thing as a mental depression diet.  It’s called the American diet.  In response, physicians hand out anti-depressant pills making patients dependent on these pills for the remainder of their lives when their calorie-rich/nutrient poor diet is causing their problems.  Where does depression/anxiety emanate from? Not the brain but the intestines, what is now called the gut-brain axis.  In a misdirection, mood-altering drugs directly target neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Altered gut bacteria early in life, particularly from over-use of antibiotics that literally sterilize the gut, and modern sugar-laden carbohydrate-rich diets by virtue of their generation of low-grade chronic inflammation, increase the risk for a depressed mood and eventually losing one’s mind later in life.

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  • Why Your Cardiologist Should Have Prescribed Zinc During Your Last Office Visit

    Posted April 14, 2017: by Bill Sardi

    Key points:

    • The provision of minerals plays a stronger role in saving lives from mortal heart attacks than any array of cardiac drugs including calcium blockers, beta blockers and statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.  Dietary fortification with major mineral electrolytes that control heart rhythm such as potassium and magnesium would save far more lives than statin drugs.
    • There is more evidence that zinc can reduce mortality rates for coronary artery disease than there is for statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.  A recent analysis shows statin drugs only prevent non-mortal heart attacks.
    • Zinc inhibits the formation of plaque (atherosclerosis) in the inner lining of arteries by virtue of its displacement of iron and reduced oxidation (hardening) of LDL cholesterol.
    • Cholesterol lowering drugs actually reduce protective zinc blood levels.
    • There is confusing science when it comes to understanding zinc and its ability to prevent atherosclerosis.  Failure to sort out that confusion has cost millions of lives.
    • Mineral supplement users are often advised to maintain a zinc/copper balance (10 to 1?) so as not to raise circulating cholesterol levels.  Yet up to 45 milligrams of zinc has been used without accompanying copper without adverse effects.
    • ·      Failed zinc studies may be explained by rapid excessive zinc supplementation that can induce zinc to bind strongly to its carrier protein (metallothionein) and render it non-bioavailable.  In this case, blood serum levels of zinc would be in the above normal range but zinc would not be bioavailable.
    • There are many confounding factors (zinc depleting drugs, high fructose corn syrup, copper piping and alcohol, calcium and iron pills that block zinc absorption) that are often not accounted for in controlled studies and obscure the realization that zinc therapy is an obvious way to save lives.
    • Supplemental zinc is suggested for all adults to maintain healthy arteries.  Dosage and forms of zinc are provided at the end of this report.

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  • Don’t Let Modern Medicine Bury You In Your Grave Just Yet!

    Posted February 14, 2017: by Bill Sardi

    Getting behind the curtains on the stage of modern medicine like I do, one gets the distinct impression that people are just being allowed to die on time for the benefit of life insurance companies and/or to fulfill covert population control agendas.

    Modern medicine prescribes replacement thyroid, estrogen, and insulin but fails to prescribe another important hormone, leaving millions of senior Americans with a weak immune system and vulnerability to infection and cancer. The only proposed remedies are stem cell injections or organ transplants that are expensive and impractical since replacement of this hormone would be universal among adults over age 60.

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  • Who Is In Charge Of Gut Microbes?

    Posted December 29, 2016: by Bill Sardi

    There are a lot of crossed wires in modern medicine these days.  At the speed modern society is moving, futurist Ray Kurzweil says there is an exponential increase in knowledge that means humanity should be able to cure every disease by the year 2030 or even sooner.  [San Diego Union-Tribune]

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  • Reassessment of Vitamin C Therapy and Cancer

    Posted April 8, 2016: by Bill Sardi

    A modern reanalysis reveals there are ways to optimize vitamin C therapy and significantly prolong the lives of cancer patients.

    In 1978 Dr. Ewan Cameron and Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling published a study that reported long-term survival of cancer patients who had undergone intravenous + oral mega-dose (10,000 milligrams) vitamin C therapy. Vitamin C-treated cancer patients lived 20 times longer than a control group. While most patients succumbed to their cancer, intravenous vitamin C therapy outperformed conventional cancer therapy. By comparison, 0.4% of cancer patients who did not undergo vitamin C therapy survived 1-year versus 22% who had undergone intravenous vitamin C therapy. [Proceedings National Academy Science 1978]

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  • Eugenol From Clove Bud Oil

    Posted December 14, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    Amidst a modern world where pharmacologists want the world to believe only high-priced synthetic molecules are safe and effective, and the Food & Drug Administration adds to this racketeering by limiting disease prevention/treatment/cure claims to drugs only, there is a growing body of science which shows clove bud oil and its primary active ingredient eugenol (yu-jen-all) could replace many over-the-counter and prescription medicines as a safer and equally or more effective topical anesthetic, pain reliever and fever reducer with anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and also holds the title as king of antioxidants. So why aren’t we using it?

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  • The Common Form Of Nutrients In Vitamin & Mineral Supplements May Still Leave Your Body Undernourished.

    Posted November 29, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutritional deficiencies are rampant in over-fed/undernourished America.  Just a sampling from the USDA list of essential nutrients that are not consumed in sufficient amounts by a percentage of the population includes vitamin E (86.4%), folic acid (40.3%), magnesium (57%), potassium (92.4%), vitamin C (42%), zinc (29.2%).  [Knowledge of Health]

    The Recommended Daily Allowance for essential nutrients is generally too low and the above figures don’t even approach the massive nutrient shortages in the population at large.

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  • Why I Don’t And Won’t Vaccinate My Child

    Posted January 13, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    In response to this email:

    In a message dated 1/9/2015 8:24:16 A.M.PST: I would like to hear your thoughts on the recent outbreak of measles. I find it interesting that while the majority of cases are among unvaccinated people, there are some patients who have been vaccinated. A few of these are adults. Interesting dilemma. I do remember measles cases when I was a child and I remember the patient (young child) ended up with very bad eyesight problems, which were laid at the feet of the disease. I have subsequently found many of the things I learned as fact were untrue (ignorance, I believe, not malice), but I have read measles can attack the eyes. When there is an outbreak of disease, it’s hard not to turn to vaccination.

    Reply: Vaccines are outdated “cowpox” technology.  The milk maids got cowpox from the cows and therefore doctors scratched the maids’ skin on their arms and rubbed kids abraded skin next to it and the kids got a mild form of the pox and developed antibodies against chicken pox.

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  • Fifteen Ways Allicin From Fresh-Crushed Garlic Beats Big Pharma’s Best Drugs

    Posted May 27, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    • Garlic mimics ACE inhibitors and calcium blockers
    • Garlic kills off yeast infection (Candida albicans) better than most drugs
    • Garlic works when bacteria become resistant to antibiotics
    • Garlic works better than anti-AIDs/HIV drug AZT
    • Garlic saves babies lives during pregnancy (conquers Strep B infection)
    • Garlic might conquer drug-resistant TB before drugs do
    • Garlic abolishes anthrax better than 5 antibiotics
    • Garlic spares good bacteria (acidophilus) when antibiotics don’t
    • Garlic removes lead better than commonly used drug (d-penicilliamine)
    • Garlic bests statin drugs – removes calcifications 3-fold better
    • Garlic superior to 3 classes of heart drugs
    • Garlic bests aspirin

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  • How Long Can Modern Medicine Drag-On Their Drug Era Before It Begins To Prescribe Vitamin D Pills En Masse?

    Posted March 25, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Vitamin D was discovered to cure rickets in 1922. A short time later ergocalciferol, synthetic vitamin D, was developed and is still today the only FDA-approved prescription form of vitamin D despite it being inferior to natural form cholecalciferol – vitamin D3.

    Over 90 years have passed since that discovery. The 1920 and 1930s was the era of vitamin discovery. During that time the practice of medicine gravitated away from use of crude medicines such as quinine, opium, cocaine, digitalis and nitroglycerin to synthetic molecules like procaine and barbital that garnered patent protection for pharmaceutical companies. Atabrine was among the first patentable drugs approved for many uses and is related to melfoquine used today to treat malaria.

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