• The Breast Cancer Remedies That Women Never Hear About

    Posted January 30, 2019: by Bill Sardi

    There are dietary supplements that go unused by women who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer that have been demonstrated to shrink their tumors but are ignored by doctors.  But before these natural remedies are revealed, the stage for their use has to be set.

    Short of complete surgical breast removal, there is no treatment that will allay the fears of a woman newly diagnosed with a form of cancer that paradoxically will never pose a threat to their lives.

    They call it non-cancer or Stage-zero (non-life threatening) breast cancer.  It has risen to comprise about 1 in 4 breast cancer diagnoses made today comprising 60,000 new cases annually.  In medical terminology, it is called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), early cancerous changes in the milk ducts of women’s breasts.

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  • Science Slams Door On Mammography, But Will Women Bypass Breast Cancer Screening?

    Posted April 18, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    A New England Journal of Medicine report is the latest to condemn mammography.  Its title (Abolishing Mammography Screening Programs) suggests it’s time to close up breast cancer screening centers altogether.

    Cited as evidence is a 25-year study among thousands of women detected just 484 cancers and 22% of them were unnecessarily treated with surgery, radiation or other therapies.

    Also cited was a larger trial of over a half-million women that showed no evidence that mammography screening reduces over-all mortality.  The report is even more sobering.  For every breast-cancer death prevented in the U.S. prevented by annual screening beginning at age 50, 460-670 women are likely to have a false positive mammogram with repeat examination; 70-100 a needless biopsy and 3 to 14 an over-diagnosed case of cancer that would never be life threatening.

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  • Researchers Suggest Two Dietary Supplements To Prevent Breast Cancer

    Posted September 10, 2013: by Bill Sardi

    You can read the abstract of their report for yourself, as published in the Molecular Aspects Of Medicine journal, published online August 29, 2013.  University of Nebraska Medical Center researchers say estrogen imbalance promotes breast cancer.  DNA adducts are formed, which is a piece of DNA bonded to a cancer-causing chemical.

    These researchers say “the dietary supplements resveratrol and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can act as cancer preventing agents by keeping estrogen metabolism balanced.”  These are inexpenstive and could prevent “many of the prevalent types of human cancer,” they say.

  • Follow Along As This Health Journalist Tracks Down A Breakthrough Drug That Alleges It Can Avert Double Mastectomies For Breast Cancer Patients.

    Posted June 10, 2013: by Bill Sardi

    Mindless medical reporting is rampant in the news media.  Biology-trained writers exercise no scrutiny over press releases issued by industry or public health authorities.  The public pays the price.  A recent example is a news report that says a new drug may avert the need for double mastectomies among breast cancer patients.

    In the wake of the disclosure by actress Angelina Jolie that she underwent double-sided mastectomy (removal of both breasts) due to her genetic propensity to develop breast cancer decades in her future, a pharmaceutical company has announced it is pursuing a “breakthrough” to “tackle a faulty gene” that causes this type of cancer.  The drug proposes to eliminate the need for double mastectomies.  Initial tests conducted among 70 patients produced “impressive responses” to the drug, called BMN673, a drug that targets the BRCA gene.

    BMN673 exhibits potent anti-tumor action by inhibition of an enzyme called PARP.

    Should women hold their breath now in eager anticipation of this drug?

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  • To Prevent Breast Cancer Should At-Risk Women Begin Taking Tamoxifen Or Take Garlic Instead?

    Posted February 13, 2013: by Bill Sardi

    Should 500,000 British women (2.4 million U.S. women) take Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer?  A British health agency report (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) says so.  Families with a history of breast cancer should also undergo genetic testing, says this same agency.

    Tamoxifen was presented by this British health agency as an alternative to having a preventative mastectomy, or breast removal. (However, a recent 20-year study of aged women showed Tamoxifen is no better than mastectomy in regards to survival.)

    According to a study, which is not available for examination, 29 cancers and nine deaths could be prevented for every 1,000 women taking tamoxifen for five years.   That comes to 1 in 34 Tamoxifen users who would benefit from taking this drug over a 5-year period while subjecting themselves to a long list of potential side effects.

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  • Researchers Uncover The Cause And Cure For Breast & Prostate Cancer

    Posted March 18, 2011: by Bill Sardi

    Knowledge of Health, Inc. (March 18, 2011) – Researchers at the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, now explain how an imbalance in estrogen metabolism leads to improper repair of broken DNA which in turn produces gene mutations that promote breast, prostate and other cancers.

    These researchers then go on to identify two natural molecular antidotes, a sulfur compound (N-acetyl cysteine) and a molecule found in red wine (resveratrol), which can completely block the initiation of these cancers. Both of these molecules are widely available as dietary supplements. When used together these antioxidants completely abolished the formation of DNA-adducts (cancer-causing chemicals that are coupled with DNA), which is the initiating step in these cancers.

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  • What if Cancer Was Already Cured?

    Posted December 23, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    How To Activate An Army Of Macrophages To Boost Immunity

    Looking back, it appears the first realization that cancer had been cured occurred in 2008 when the world learned via this author that white blood cells known as macrophages could be activated to effect a cure. What happened in the aftermath is the subject of this report.

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  • When No One Was Looking, Dietary Supplements Cured Cancer and COVID-19

    Posted January 13, 2021: by Bill Sardi

    Thymus Gland Hormone Demonstrably Raises T-Cell Counts, Slashes Deaths by 272% Among Severely-Ill COVID-19 Patients Without Side Effects; Also Could Be Cancer Cure; Can Be Mimicked With Zinc Pills

    In an astounding study the public has not heard about, the subcutaneous (under the skin) injection of just 1.6 milligrams of a thymus gland hormone (thymosin alpha-1) for seven days among patients with severe deathbed COVID-19 coronavirus disease dramatically increases T-cell counts and slashes the mortality rate by 272% (from 30% to 11%) without side effects.

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  • What Initiates Cancer?

    Posted February 5, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    There are three stages of cancer: initiation, growth, metastasis (spread).

    The prevailing explanation of what causes cancer, aside from carcinogenic chemicals, is that healthy cells in the human body become cancerous after gene mutations accumulate.

    According to the Cancer Genome Project, most cancer cells possess 60 or more mutations.  However, as can be seen by the diagrams and graphics used to explain how cancer develops, progressive gene mutations produce neoplasia, hyperplasia and dysplasia, words used to describe abnormal cells.  But these terms explain pre-cancerous cells, not immortal, rapid growing cells that migrate and spread throughout the body.

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  • Reassessment of Vitamin C Therapy and Cancer

    Posted April 8, 2016: by Bill Sardi

    A modern reanalysis reveals there are ways to optimize vitamin C therapy and significantly prolong the lives of cancer patients.

    In 1978 Dr. Ewan Cameron and Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling published a study that reported long-term survival of cancer patients who had undergone intravenous + oral mega-dose (10,000 milligrams) vitamin C therapy. Vitamin C-treated cancer patients lived 20 times longer than a control group. While most patients succumbed to their cancer, intravenous vitamin C therapy outperformed conventional cancer therapy. By comparison, 0.4% of cancer patients who did not undergo vitamin C therapy survived 1-year versus 22% who had undergone intravenous vitamin C therapy. [Proceedings National Academy Science 1978]

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