Posted June 6, 2012: by Bill Sardi
1912 was a monumental date in human history – a Polish scientist, Casimir Funk discovered the first vitamin, vitamin B1. But that date is underplayed in history book while the date of the discovery of the first magic bullet miracle drug, 1928 for penicillin, is hallmarked as possibly the greatest advancement in modern medicine. True, penicillin reduced death from infectious disease and humans lived longer. But chronic disease was ignored. Over time medicine began to treat diseases as if they were drug deficiencies rather than seek their true origins, oftentimes rooted in nutrient shortages.
While processed foods removed essential nutrients, food fortification then corrected many, but not all, of these deficiencies. For example, there is still no recommended daily intake level for essential omega-3 and omega-6 oils decades after it was determined that fish oils seemed to eradicate many common health problems in the Eskimo population. Lutein appears to be essential for the human visual system, but a recommended daily intake level is not even being considered.
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Posted October 12, 2011: by Bill Sardi
In recent days the Journal of Nutrition reported that dietary supplements make a significant contribution to the daily need for vitamins and that meeting the Recommended Daily Allowance could not possibly be accomplished via foods alone. But, ERASE, ERASE! Never mind that. On a day when a report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition claimed that doubling vitamin D blood levels would reduce the global vitamin D–sensitive disease mortality rate by an estimated 20 percent, the news media chose to run with a front-page headline that made it sound like multivitamins kill.
The multivitamin study does instruct, but its interpreters attempt to scare the public away from vitamin pills to soften them up for the next blow – the FDA is scheming to cut the daily vitamin and mineral requirements in half, a move that would ensure a certain level of disease to treat in the population.
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Posted August 7, 2011: by Bill Sardi
With release of a report from the annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, that low blood levels of vitamin D are more common among NFL football players who suffer muscle injuries, there is no better time to talk about vitamin D and sports with the release of Dr. John Cannell’s newest book, entitled ATHLETE’S EDGE: FASTER, QUICKER, STRONGER WITH VITAMIN D (
Readers will get the instant impression that this fully-illustrated 318-page book will make an impact, not just on individual athletes but also on entire sports the way performance-enhancing drugs did for baseball, but this time, it’s a natural (and legal) molecule that is involved.
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Posted March 25, 2011: by Bill Sardi
Those are the words of John Cannell MD, founder of The Vitamin D Council. What Dr. Cannell is talking about is the anticipated FDA approval of a multitude of vitamin D-like drugs (called analogs) in the next year.
Big Pharma, moving in concert with the pro-drug agency, the Food & Drug Administration, that gives Rx pills false credibility, and the Institute of Medicine that recently cemented levels of preventable disease in the American population by raising vitamin D requirements by an insignificant amount (400 IU to 600 IU), are attempting to delay multitudes of Americans from taking vitamin D pills till they become drugs. Then American medicine will embrace the idea whole heartedly at ten times the price and with myriads of side effects from man-made vitamin D-like molecules that the human body is not designed to metabolize.
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Posted July 30, 2021: by Bill Sardi
This report about autoimmune disorders focuses on a family of three human enzymes called ten-eleven translocation (TET) enzymes.
Vitamin C stimulates production of TET proteins (ten-eleven translocation enzymes), important in the control of the immune system and in particular heading off autoimmune disorders.
Lo and behold, a recent report entitled “Harnessing The Combined Power Of Vitamin C And Tet Proteins May Give Scientists A Leg Up In Treating Autoimmune Diseases,” says “You can’t make a banana split without bananas and you can’t generate stable regulating T-cells (thymus cells) without vitamin C or enzymes called TET proteins.”
This has been known for almost a decade now, but researchers act like it is a new revelation. In fact, these same researchers say they are “looking for more small molecules to stabilize TET enzymes that regulate T-regs,” when vitamin C is almost completely overlooked in treatment plans for autoimmune disorders.
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Posted May 31, 2021: by Bill Sardi
Prior Negative COVID-19 Vitamin C Study, Halted Prematurely Because of Alleged Ineffectiveness, Found to Increase Rate of Recovery by 70% Upon Reanalysis
Where was the peer review? Where were the trained medical journalists to take researchers to task over prematurely halting a vitamin C/COVID-19 symptom study when both statistical and meaningfully clinical benefits were readily apparent, when so many American lives were reported to be at stake?
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Posted May 10, 2021: by Bill Sardi
New Gene-Altering Drug Reveals How Drug Companies And Clinicians Use The FDA-Drug Approval Process To Plunder Pools Of Insurance Money While Denying Proven Natural Remedies
The anticipated FDA approval of an injected drug that will lower a risk factor for heart attack which is not addressed by statin cholesterol-lowering drugs has American medicine salivating.
The drug would only need to be injected twice a year. Patients with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels, which is a fatty protein produced in the liver that enters the blood circulation and increases risk for a heart attack, primarily affects 1 in 250 individuals worldwide with a family history. About 60 million Americans have elevated Lp(a) levels. Roughly 1 in 7 heart attacks are associated with high Lp(a) levels, but may not be causal for heart attacks, as you will learn below. Concentrations of Lp(a) vary by 1000-fold between individuals.
Use of this new drug would likely expand to others without a family history but with elevated Lp(a) blood levels, so it could become a bonanza for cardiologists and the drug industry — $1.5 billion sales projected by 2030.
Posted in Heart, Uncategorized, Vitamins ; No Comments »
Posted April 17, 2021: by Bill Sardi
The unique symptoms emanating from COVID-19, unlike any other coronavirus, speaks legions for this virus as a man-made weapon, or is it just a coronavirus pandemic made worse by modern medicines reluctance to adopt nutritional medicine?
Here are the news headlines:
Calling reported blood clots among hospitalized COVID-19 patients “a mystery,” an anxiety-raising report in Nature Magazine says blood clots arise in 20-30% of critically ill COVID-19 patients, blood thinners don’t reliably prevent these clots, and many hospitalized patients exhibit elevated levels of a protein fragment called D-dimer produced when clots dissolve, which is a “powerful predictor of mortality.”
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Posted April 12, 2021: by Bill Sardi
Modern medicine has finally realized its many experiments with laboratory mice have been flawed by the failure to recognize humans do not secrete vitamin C as rodents do. Therefore, many scientific studies performed in mice have little application to humans.
Unlike most other animals, patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a progressive buildup of beta amyloid plaque in their brains and loss of memory. Researchers now think they have found out why.
Posted in Brain, Vitamins ; No Comments »
Posted March 28, 2021: by Bill Sardi
Acute stress is unique to man. The chart below reveals the amount of adrenal stress hormones (cortisol) released by humans compared to other animals.
There are exceptions: guinea pigs, fruit bats, primate monkeys. These four species share a genetic flaw. Unlike other mammals, these do not synthesize ascorbate from their liver (ascorbate being the medical term for vitamin C).
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